We rebel against an order headed for self destructionWe shed shards of ideologies that serve no useful functionYour power is your fire—your vortex of seductionThere is so much to admire—so much to get a rush from Tattoos brand your body—fierce and iconoclasticSinuous ink and sinuous muscle project power orgasmicLeather […]
ninja jedi
I am a zygote of liberation camouflaged as pathologyI am a tantric mystic camouflaged as debaucheryFuture soldiers in formation as far as the eye can seeDecentralized transformation realizes sacred prophecy This is an erotic anthem crying out for insurrectionI am a suicide survivor amidst spiritual resurrectionWe slash through webs of […]
You project and command with fire in your eyesYour energy is psychotropic—raw dopamine in disguiseOrgasmic rivers converge in the matrix of your mindAquatic power reverberates when your lovers intertwine This principality is an experiment in radical imaginationWe craft sacred orgies fueled by tantric emanationsThis space transcends—it is erotic emancipationWe conjure […]
The lock at your neck holds the key to your heartThe key to your branding—the key to these marksThe intensity of your eyes inspires the deepest seas to partOur sex presence transcends gender making desire a sacred art Your fire rises from within like a divine emanationYou are a vessel […]
Your body is an epic canvas intricately woven with tattoosYour energy surges from within—reverberating in all you doYour silhouette carves through darkness—transfixing all in the roomWe will dance to hard house anthems—getting so deeply into the groove Your ink evokes blood memories of sacred magic and spiritual solutionsWe live on a […]
I am an infinite line manifesting in finite spaceI am a potent creative presence that cannot be erasedEvery sinew of your torso reflects the contours of your faceThese fractals are reactive—bringing my mind to this fearless place The leather that armors your body is a seductive vessel of attractionYour eyes […]
Your body is branded as testament to the force of your introspective eyeTattoos of nonbinary energy circulate, reverberate, and realignYou command your potent sex presence by flexing the sinew of your mindThis is a proud genderfuck moment of transcendent hope and desire We rise up for collective emancipation—for global human […]
Fractals of energy surge through your armorYou are ninja erotic—you are agents of karmaFrom our diasporas we conjure an anti-colonial madonnaWe emulate the buddha seeking sacred dharma Your bodies are chiseled like samurai statuesYour sex presence sizzles as sin melds with virtueWe need communities of allies who we trust and […]
Armies of men cohere once againWe will fight to the end—we are lovers and friendsTurbines and pistons move our revolutionary enginesThey pulsate to the rhythm of your tantric commands The fire in your eye is subtle and sacredWe prepare to reclaim all that has been takenWe aspire for evolution—for social […]
Your chest is branded in sinuous inkExpanding contracting—projecting crimson instinctWe invent new libations to worship and drinkWe flood our minds with dopamine every time we blink Your pulse is erotic fierce and hypnoticEnsnared by leather you project power tectonicWe conjure a symphony bold and supersonicYour palpitation and elation are exponential […]
Entrancing eyes caress seductive thighsErogenous dreams are realizedOur armies recruit to rebel and ariseCoptic sex vixens amplify carnal desires Afro Goth power reverberates deep withinYour sorcery allows the clock of history to begin once againWe find sacred joy in our bodies: the pleasure of sacred sinWe are fueled by […]
I am conjuring a metaphor—I am conjuring a rhyme the fractals animating my imagination are sinking deep roots in my mind I heed the polyvalent technicolor narratives conveyed by our planets in orbit the power of astrological wisdom helps me live most fully in the present a cosmic conjecture is […]
When the planets are in retrograde, its a good time to slow down and carve out time to be still… Self-will and grand vision will be crushed underfoot as these massive orbs appear to move backward in the night sky—this retrograde motion is an illusion produced by differing placements and […]
Last night, the moon communed with Jupiter—someone told me to ask for what I want because I just might get it…with synapses firing at speeds faster than light, I asked for insight and foresight—I asked for knowledge of my noble purpose… today, I had a soul to soul convergence with […]
I am proud of how i show up for life on the manic depressive spectrumi am proud of my creativity and empathy, and of my spiritual insights and practice i resist the dogma that calls all of this a disorderbecause when balanced, my neurodivergent mind is opened to inspiration that […]
] you see us dance among you, but fail to sense our jedi powers in emergencewe conjure rites of love and liberation aspiring towards an all encompassing transformational resurgencewe sync our bypo minds through the meditative practices of erotic pleasure and serviceI can’t choose my apocalypse squad but i can […]
rising proud with cylon style fusing sentience with desire the hexagons refracting and capturing our praxis inspire our minds as evolution moves faster solar peace reflects on our trans pharaoh’s solar plexus we radiate positive energy even if many will at first reject us geometries sheathe divine truths guiding spiritual […]
ancient skills and modern minds—rise and thrive and intertwine serpents power our army’s rise—ruling the day: reclaiming the night… throwing stars induce searing pain—scaling walls and branding names building power and queering fame—unleashing exponential power in our brains ninjas rise in red black and green—striving to set our people free […]