Seeking transcendent truthCraving synaptic proofChanging minds and moodsAmplifying potent grooves Your energy chimericElusive as a spiritErotic and atmosphericUprooting the barbaric You elevate and animateBurning fires to consecrateOur manifesto detonatesRedefining collective fate A chimera you ariseEntrancing our eyesVeiled in epic disguiseFaith hypnotizing minds Layers of light transposeBringing karmic destiny closeThis vision […]
grace and love
Your eyes pierce the dark with resonant reverberationsYou are clad in fierce and vibrant fluorescent animationYou are a magnum magnate—a power writhing in gestationI imagine a throbbing bass groove as your melody’s foundation We conspire to create—imagining the divine eroticTantric power emanates—pulsating and hypnoticI see you thrust and grind—I see […]
ViscousAnd vibrantPulsating color a mirror Reflecting the struggle of serviceService to nation and principleService to community and country Layers of paintExplode like wildfireLive vivacious shrapnelBeautiful and resonant SplatteringsOf red, white, and blueExplosions of color like karmic chemistry The sacred fraternity of serviceTortured struggles through traumaBe that physical or psychic As […]
Your muscular presence is hot and inspiringYour energy is seismic—it is tantra arisingRevolutionary phalanxes are writhing and conspiringYour sex positive chemistry is tantra reviving We must become the power to which we aspireWe must live what we desire—rising ever higherThe liberation we require builds a sacred fireYour eyes are divine […]
Shattering a static mold of beautyYou give us faith to be ourselvesThere is power in your notorietyIt is the strength to love and rebel There is sacred fire in your eyeAnd entrancing charm in your smileYou effortlessly channel and rewireReimagining our matrix of desire We call you papacitoWe call you […]
Colors connive as spirits reviveWe are shackled by trauma locked deep insideWe heal from our pasts and rebuild our livesThe rhythms of recovery dance and collide This magical orange suggests hope and liberationLove and trust reopen gates of imaginationWe find joy in eye contact: intimacy’s foundationThis vanguard graffiti is an […]
Cleopatra’s eyes entrance Sheba’s thighsYour harem writhes watching electricity rise Bedecked in jewels and fiercely BlackYou are armed with love ready to react or attack This metallic veil amplifies the beauty you radiateThe pulse of the erotic transforms and proliferates We need armies of peace: we need both love and […]
Commanding the stage you dance away your painSubaltern powers arise projecting neon fractals through crystal rain Sanctifying pleasure you live to amplify joy and inspireThe modulation of gyration takes the dance floor higher and higher Viscous waves of tectonic fractals animate the mindOrgasmic pleasure and technicolor chakras grow deeply intertwined […]
you are captivating—your physicality devastating… your gaze is penetrating—your touch so deeply stimulating… the energy of this moment reverberates and oscillates… fractal visions subsume my psyche compelling me to tempt fate… i pray to spirits both above and deep within… i pray for the presence to match your power and […]
I am evolving and deepening my awareness… With the shackles of addiction in remission I live in gratitude and in joy… I live on the manic depressive spectrum—tending towards states of hypomania and mania… Eliminating the toxicity of substances of abuse has helped me stabilize, but the powers within that […]
You tempt meYou invite me to want what is unwiseIt would be legal—probably…But it might not be safe for either of us Your sinuous body and lithe muscles are profoundly alluringYour face is intensely edgy and rebellious—both seductive and angelic I have crafted age-related boundaries precisely to guard against this […]
In the queer male world we talk a lot about pride… We talk about gay pride but not gay shame… Shame born of the fact that few of us fit the intensely sculpted archetypes of beauty to whom we pay allegiance… Shame born of internalized homophobia and the catty pettiness […]
I invite you into this moment as he embraces you within his arms—I invite you into my present and the power of two to become one… This is digitized cylon sensuality transpiring within my mind–it is a subterranean erotic uprising transforming lust into a liberating grind… We can visualize sexual […]
Your pores exude a savage musky intensity, suggesting exquisite power and confidence… I feel your chest next to mine and I am intensely aroused… I feel our hips locking into synchronicity and I feel my snake magic rising to the surface of awareness… You are cock diesel—a master of seductive […]
Centuries of oppression and rebellion—of pain and joy—eddy in the waters of time—pregnant with generations of our blood memories… Valkyrie choose the slain in combat—they choose whose blood flows to extinction and whose lives are spared… Black women carry the weight of our struggle in their bones—with marrow communicating routes […]
Snake medicine pulsates through my being, unleashing immense powers of creativitybringing psychic energy into awareness and channeling this magic towards our need for healing The kundalini power arising from the root chakra ascends through our snake-like spinal columnI envision a serpentine double-helix armoring our spines and our minds through […]
Last night, the moon communed with Jupiter—someone told me to ask for what I want because I just might get it…with synapses firing at speeds faster than light, I asked for insight and foresight—I asked for knowledge of my noble purpose… today, I had a soul to soul convergence with […]
in our arrogance, we have claimed lordship over the natural world we have let the talons of profit claw at our sacred mother and our duty to defend the forces that give us life but the earth remembers—and our mother speaks she speaks through the trees and gives voice to […]
limp wrists and raised fiststrans and queer we rearm and resist we harness sacred powers arising in our midstmagical elixirs find their way to our souls through our lips emphatic euphoric and intensely orgasmicthe confluence of emotion is deep and hypnotic our dance with the dialectic is fierce and jaw […]
we are barricade freaks rocking prada in the streetwe style our rage in platinum shades shining strong and rolling deep the sacred healing we seek amplifies our quest for psychic peaceour erotic tectonics seduce the commanders of our dreadnought fleet as barricade freaks we charge ferociously into the streetswe dodge […]
i am only forty-one, but addiction has been a cunning enemy of my life for at least three decadesat first compulsive sexual stimulation and fantasybut also a foundational addiction to the power of intellect and self will while my head branded me an atheist, my heart and soul kept me […]
i have tried to cry for days, just feeling that grief is the right feeling to feelemotive songs have helped me choke up for protracted moments, but again and again the feelings pass and my mind clearsi wonder why i am not more ground down by this–why i am not […]
before we had a globalized system, we had globalized energy:fires of wood or wax to which we made sacred offerings of rare shells, silver, or gold before we had a world economy or planetary pandemics, we drew life and sustenance from the same sun and moon we saw our […]
the buddhist teacher tich nhat hanh taught me to see that we are like cloudsforever evolving and changing from one state to anotheralways becoming but never, ever, simply becoming nothing i am filled with exuberance in this moment, witnessing the deepening roots of recovery in my lifewitnessing the sacred inspiration […]
her voice soars, amplifying the resonance of visceral blood memoriesechoes of primordial pleasure emerging to coat our writhing bodies in glistening sweatechoes of days gone by when a woman pleasuring herself in a shower would have felt dirty and unclean she is a sun dragona divine spirit channeling the reverberations […]
my god is in the noticingnoticing the moment between when i start to breathe and when i feel the first rush of air into my lungsnoticing the energy and magic that surrounds usevident in birds that flock and fungi who thrive on the toxins leached by other forms of lifenoticing […]