monsta army

281 posts


manic magicians ponder contradictions conjuring new weapons for this system’s demolition superhuman revelations infuse our psychic places breeding insight and inspiration for our tribe’s preservation seeing molecules in formation–hearing voices of inspiration.. we prowl the streets of gotham fueled by drug-fueled desperation the toxic essence of our nation is replayed […]

FINDING NEO: a prayer for our living gods

the night is pregnant with possibilities aroused and penetrated by my manic brain the joy is punctuated with urgency—and i am anything but insane we are organizing with all our strength to uproot a totalitarian regime we are fighting to amplify our many struggles using all of our arsenal deployed […]

FOREVER TONIGHT: an anthem of liberation

electrified by the moon and intoxicated by the stars i seek fellow travelers in electric clubs and hipster bars i want forever tonight—i want it deep in my soul i will accrue passing years but i will never grow old the future of our tribe  lies with the nascent generations […]


he is beauty incarnate commanding the court so effortlesslyrafa is pure brilliance shining his light cosmically body beautiful and finely crafted riding wings made of steelhitting winners and landing volleys with superhuman speed the mercurial kyrgios is a prince of cognitive dissonanceexuding the power to transcend and animating our minds […]


rising proud and standing strong the quest for justice is centuries long we brand our bodies like graf-heads bomb walls we tell our stories in colors and we celebrate our beauty with songs i crossed paths today with a beautifully branded phoenix traveling from afar and resonating with my matrix […]

VIPER VIRUS: the matrix of evolution

infinitesimal but potent they control our minds training nerves and synapses to fire deep inside a toxic virus has arisen laced with systemic crime distorting our collaborative nature and reenacting the lord of the flies we are ruled by heartless robber barons—skilled only in legalized theft their souls are sickly […]


men in skirts with fiercely lined lips dance and spin and grind their hips ladies butched up in lesbonic attire inspire my mind and lift it higher trans women were the vanguard of the stonewall uprising but were then marginalized and pushed to the side we must elevate all our […]


love rises within and digs in her claws holding hearts and minds in thrall sex expresses what’s deep inside karmic enchantment when she meets his eyes separation and disintegration carving up a complicated matrix life and death—love and rage there are costs to account for and psychic tolls to pay […]


the full moon inspires all of my internal intoxicants serotonin and dopamine flowing like wine to christ’s supplicants inspired inside by a cosmic symphony of instruments i gaze with longing at a night sky so pregnant with resonance pills and potions are the arsenal of my tribe navigating the bipolar […]

AMMUNITION: erotic catharsis

guns can kill or preserve life queered up punks reclaim the night ammunition stocked in plain sight aimed at the enemies of our karmic fight finely-styled brothers in camouflage fatigues proving their metal stoked up on speed tunneling to zion and flying free cosmic forces reemerge from the deep te […]


hyper-stimulated with eyes dilated we celebrate the night until desire is sated neurons wired and never tired we seek ecstatic bliss and carnal delight rebel divas styled fly always catch my eye holding it down on the dance floor and making pretty boys cry the search for ecstasy is so […]


we’ve been in the orbit of the same celestial presence we’ve shared compelling moments—examining her essence neurochemistry firing on speed—dopamine in overdrive we clicked instantaneously—feeling euphorically alive beauty comes in many guises—love wears many masks I feel a potent connection—i have met a brother on my karmic path polyamorous and […]


she is a ninja of the night a living angel aloft in flight she is the mistress of sexual delight and the arbiter of cosmic karma’s might our sisters are rising proud demanding solidarity its time to shut patriarchy down time for transcendent feminism to claim the streets we marched […]


i am powered by viper porn–mesmerized sensually i find genius in erotic connection–i find truth in the minds of thieves my body is a temple for erogenous arts i open my mouth to bring you into my soul and into my heart my basement has been the scene of countless […]


i am an angel patrolling mortal waters seeking my brethren—my sons and daughters by day i organize my tribe in the fight for cosmic truth by night i tag walls and wear studded combat boots i am a polyvalent poltergeist—a shape-shifter in poetic garb i am powered by erotic energy—my […]


its 4 am and i am intoxicated by dopamine–generated by the thirst i feel to transform our worldin a few hours we will take the streets and let our beautiful banners unfurl its the day before yet another mobilization and i wonder about the depth of our resistancei wonder about […]


so intoxicating—the pulsating aroma of erotic masculinity so consuming—the unquenchable thirst for carnal company manic zen is my home in these hours i feel crescendos of ecstasy and sensual power i long for nothing more potent than to share this energy with another in this space on my spectrum i […]


flying high on dopamine i see visions in the sky hieroglyphics everywhere seducing my mind late at night when i close my eyes i see wormholes to distant galaxies we must resist the pathologization of our tribe’s neurodiversity i dream in staccato rhythms–refueling energy for the day ahead i am […]


inspired by leia the vixen we arise with truth in our pocket and glitter framing our eyes we rise up to fight unrepentant evil—to do battle with the sith we are rallying our troops looking for the Jedis in our midst our powers are faintly formed but are imagined cinematically […]


visions again—under the faint influence of internally created hallucinogens a star migrating across the sky at an unnatural velocity rivers of power flowing through my mind and body a corona of light emerges to surround the flying star leaving my brain wired and craving more the sky maps our destiny—we […]


when i meditate i often stare into mirrors—sometime i see other faces karmic twins or psychic cyphers—other, but of me, and in a multitude of places we seek our inner powers and pray for cosmic peace while introspective i see many visions and get a taste of psychic relief often […]


i seduce with my mind forging love deep inside branding fame branding pride taking your heart along for the ride celestial lovers intertwine astrologies realign revolutionizing time breeding an army fueled by desire queer armadas and street art vixens challenge power and threaten the system building power to mount our […]


biochemical psychic fires fuel my journey and stoke my pyre i live to love and love to live—i take no more than i have to give we strive to transform this toxic system—we resist in tune with subterranean rhythms the synergistic byproducts of neurodiversity are evident in art, in music, […]


visceral faith ebbs and flows raising the roof and opening doors giving in to what we do not know blessed by angels and demons above and below apostasy and symphony alchemy and artistry building a struggle rooted deep ruling the night and holding the keys our movements rise to fight […]


whose streets—our streets so said the cops while suppressing speech black lives on trial—neo-nazis on the rise such a toxic miasma of moribund white pride a US base on holy land—a criminal alliance suppressing palestinian dreams—a magnet for arab defiance our world grows smaller—and increasingly imperiled climate change is threatening—our […]


our minds evolve at light speed overstimulated by the digital detritus of our age we are mired in ever more complicated webs of psychosocial distress, anxiety, depression, dysphoria and dissociation simultaneously we are confronted by a toxic political miasma patriarchal, transphobic, and misogynist white supremacy dressed in a cloak of […]