Queer Theory

410 posts


Transgressing the binary is your daily occupationYou occupy a space between desire and elationTransforming hearts and minds with cosmic incantationsWe create a sacred ark of justice and liberation Your touch is potent and luscious so deeply attractiveOur energies converge forming a quasar luminous and reactiveYour lover caresses epicenters of this […]


You weave between worlds animating visions of possibilityYour energy cybernetic, seducing and transmuting sacred properties… Branded like a divine totem your tattoos live speak and breatheConjuring webs of kinetic light your body captivates as your mind sows new sentient seeds This is a poem of speculation, imagination, rumination, and divinationI […]


Your eyes are intense–your sex appeal visceralyour flesh voluptuous–your powers biblical I imagine savage dancing-sensing your grindso body positive taking me through a wormhole to your mind Playful confident erotic—your emotional vectors are vastsex presence emanates from fractals deep within—sinking roots into the moment forgetting future and past Wielding a titanium […]


Your body and mind are Byzantineharboring technicolor emotions yearning to be freeyour scarlet aura projects power and seismic psychic speedyour neurons are bathed in the sacred flow of dopamine We cyberwire sexuality forging erotic exhilarationwe conjure angels to guide us through this matrix of liberationits time for mourning and time […]

MAGNETIC: anthem of seduction

Latin fire fused with crimson prideYou seduce and recruit with a flash of your eyes Your aesthetic is scruff visceral and ruggedI imagine your fierce cuerpo in the arms of a lover Your sex presence is amplified magnetic and supersonicLiving in the moment you a flex a power tectonic In […]


Commanding the stage you dance away your painSubaltern powers arise projecting neon fractals through crystal rain Sanctifying pleasure you live to amplify joy and inspireThe modulation of gyration takes the dance floor higher and higher Viscous waves of tectonic fractals animate the mindOrgasmic pleasure and technicolor chakras grow deeply intertwined […]


Your body is etched like sacred stoneinspiring transpiring but never aloneour arms embrace i hold you closeangels arise from the ashes as ancestral ghosts You focus your psyche on the quest for connectionyou are a pyromuse and my queer resurrectionyou edit digitized signals with your potent intuitionI amplify your mind […]


You craft a citadel of pain—a cyclone of rage..You seduce with your eyes fiercely commanding the stage Your reality is mythology—rock star ego with chrome vulnerabilityThe pantheon of Montero sends sacred reverberations throughout our polity You come clad in metallic armor or enrobed in a scintillating dressYour essence is pure […]


d She commands the room… A presence so potent that hearts stop… Seductive curves and sinuous limbs arouse incite and inspire… Locking eyes with her lover she is radically honest—palpably tantalizing… Armies of men stand powerless before insurgent beauty… A beauty whose pleasure is reserved for the circle of tantric […]


We summon from the earth the power of the starsWe summon with our minds fire burning in our hearts We are practitioners of the sacred art of erotic orogenyWe are healers conjuring the wordless language of empathy In spiked heels and straps of leather lovers and dancers come togetherImagining the […]


You inspire me and rewire me with the subtle chemistry of your artistryYou are a muse and co-conspirator in the project of making revolution sexy I see you and I think of all of the moments since we first met in the wake of the looming proto-fascist fiascoThese have been […]


you are captivating—your physicality devastating… your gaze is penetrating—your touch so deeply stimulating… the energy of this moment reverberates and oscillates… fractal visions subsume my psyche compelling me to tempt fate… i pray to spirits both above and deep within… i pray for the presence to match your power and […]


Lips combine while souls rewirePleasure molds a sacred pyreTantric power deep insideWrithes and climbs right up the spine Leather bound and heaven sentThis triptych manifests as sacramentThe sacred dance of beautiful menErotic power fused with manic zen We celebrate bodies in every shape and sizeThe spiritual power of liberation is […]


I am evolving and deepening my awareness… With the shackles of addiction in remission I live in gratitude and in joy… I live on the manic depressive spectrum—tending towards states of hypomania and mania… Eliminating the toxicity of substances of abuse has helped me stabilize, but the powers within that […]


You tempt meYou invite me to want what is unwiseIt would be legal—probably…But it might not be safe for either of us Your sinuous body and lithe muscles are profoundly alluringYour face is intensely edgy and rebellious—both seductive and angelic I have crafted age-related boundaries precisely to guard against this […]


  This is a meditation on intensityIt is a meditation on the contours of ecstasyI wire my mind to take in your electricityConspiring to imagine our collective divinity You animate my imagination with your fierce prideYou light a fire of desire deep insideBut do I long to hold your innermost […]


  energy fires from each of your eyesinviting us to yearn: inviting us to tryyour erotic power is enshrined in a throne of desireinspiring our global army to reboot and rewire… you are branded like a prince in sacred tantric inktattoos transcribe intentional ways to be and to think..we dance […]


there is clandestine power in your eyes and clandestine erotic energy in your hands… you traverse a multitude of worlds full of prescient awareness of your inner strength and fortitude… you have grown and grounded yourself through the recognition of having been lost, searching, and out of control… what we […]


You are an angel in my pantheon—a muse for my creative mindThe power of your psychic torus extends and extrapolates ever further as our psyches intertwine You are evolving into a prophet of ecstasy, solidarity, and radical imaginationYou are redefining sex appeal as the primordial exoskeleton of our newrising civilization […]


Your gaze is direct—commanding and inviting—suggesting sorcery and vast seductive power Your energy expands to fill the space–conjuring a subliminal symphony of attraction and desire Light reflects from your eyes creating sacred intimacy and connection–crafting moments pregnant with magic and majesty We summon heat and energy from deep within the […]


In the queer male world we talk a lot about pride… We talk about gay pride but not gay shame… Shame born of the fact that few of us fit the intensely sculpted archetypes of beauty to whom we pay allegiance… Shame born of internalized homophobia and the catty pettiness […]


You tantalize and synthesizeYou rise and fly and prophesizeYou are a pin-up playboy with seductive eyesYou are a conduit for dreams waiting to be realized The energy that flows is infectious and potentWe conjure rites of passage and divine tantric potionsYour sex magic fuels a sizzling and infinite kinetic motionWe […]


You are an intergalactic missionary dancing to the throb of pulsating rhythms You heal schisms and conjure visions—imagining the power to transform this system With the moon in Virgo I feel pride and elation rise to the surface conveying all that you mean to my spirit and my passion We […]


Your energy is seismic, electric, and magnetic… We fuse our hybrid imaginations into a psychic storm that is visceral and kinetic… You seduce with your eyes, with your mind, and with your fire… You transform the sexually transactional into an act of sacred pride… The power of the hypno-erotic unleashes […]


  You are branded in technicolor—fierce and resonant… The iconography of many cultures manifests on your body—intricately executed and spiritually sacrosanct… You are a powerfully unique being and this potency is manifested in this prophetic tattoo—this creation that expresses all that you are and all that you aspire to do… […]


The future of the future will still contain the pastyour energy is like a tsunami igniting an erotic cosmic matchwe never know what blessings we will find on this sacred karmic pathwe dedicate our souls to creative liberation rooted in the present while honing our craft I will be a […]