I made this pilgrimageI came to the sea seeking recoveryTo this convening of addictsTrying to change our patternsTrying to recover It is only AprilThe ocean is still coldBut I walked into her arms three times yesterday I waded in with the dawnWatching the sun rise through the lens of a […]
grace and love
I write by deep watersDeep frigid winter watersAs Jupiter aligns with VenusI write about what I am becomingWords of metamorphosis and transformation Emerging as a manifest phoenixI seek profound humilityPowers of compassion and empathyOf emotional synergy and alchemy Orogeny is a sacred capabilityChanneling the fractious fire of tectonic platesHarnessing sinuous […]
Spirit movesDeeply attunedMy mind expandsDuality reconstrued My god is desireMy god is awakeningThis explosion of tantric fireOur collective divinity creating I am a vessel for the sacredWorshiping divergent pantheonsAztec martyrs fuse with OsirisBantu gods craft new songs Yoruba spirits traverse deep watersYamaya and Oshun: divinity’s daughtersShango’s fire powers virilityFueling the […]
This is an homage to an angelIn devilish disguiseTattoos brand your bodyIncarnations of your mind You are electric but humbleEnticing but kindI imagine tantric powerSurging deep inside Your beauty is rawInspiring these rhymesEpic sex presenceTransmogrifies time I feel a taste of liberationAn explosion of carnal fireYou command the eroticYou writhe […]
I channel this fireI channel desireYour radiant eyesMake time rewire You are a cypher of devotionYour power is hypnoticThis is an explosion of imaginationA pantheon of the erotic My pen interprets your energyMy mind deciphers psychic chemistryThis is destiny and alchemySpiritual integrity and sacred prophecy We craft an antidote to […]
Your hands enmeshedBodies breathing sexTattoos brand your necksCarnal instincts flex This percussive instantResounding and poundingDetonating and captivatingTantric fire abounding Your bodies mesmerizeYour minds hypnotizeI imagine you intertwinedCarnal instinct opened wide I feel the pulse of creationA flood of imaginationLicentious anticipationBreeding sacred salvation Carnal instinct reverberatesSinuous ink animatesDesire writhes and percolatesErotic […]
Your image is mythicalYour energy biblicalPowers apocryphalAmplify the spiritual You are clad in crimsonSeductive and entrancingVenus as a boyA zeitgeist advancing Blurring the binaryYou are a gender renegadeAdorned by regal fineryYou are a tantric cavalcade I long to know your spiritTo meet this entrancing presenceTo craft a sacred avatarA fulcrum […]
I see fire in this paintingStrength born from painI see resilience and perseverance I see the resurgent power of creationPower to remold fateRivers of color modulateChurning with the resilience of imagination I feel my own journey of recoveryReflected in viscous paintSo much loss and betrayalLittering my tortured way I have […]
MemoriesHaunting meLeaving meNo air to breathe DestinyMysteryHaunting meTaunting me I come to writeI come to witnessHundreds of birdsFlocking to the sunThe day has begunMind and body are one I feel deep painReverberating insideI wish I could forgetI wish I could cry Pain for love lostPainful goodbyesBrutal rejectionTorturing my eyes You […]
You are thunder amidst the rainYou swim in the river that keeps me saneErotic power flows through your veinsWe recover from apocalypseWith whatever remains Your image evokes the carnalLicentious gym sexYou pulsate with intensityYou flirt and seduce–grind and flex Deep within transformations emergeOrganic and orgasmic fluids convergeTime stands still awaiting […]
You stand against a treeYour torso framedIntricate arboreal architectureLike excavated skeletonsFractals manifestIn the crags of bark You are a creature of exquisite mysteryYou are a portent of pivotal historyWarrior and loverCaliph of erotic intricacy Your eyes fortify and galvanizePiercing a miasma of systemic mendacityPutrefying ideologyPropagated to perpetuate subordination We dance […]
I want to write a simple poemA simple poem about complex emotions A poem inspired by your imageYour grace and vulnerabilityYour energy and your style I see you and my mind breathes deeplyYour dance is fierce and hypnoticContractions and extensions are bold and erotic You project hope and defiancePotent medicine […]
You are radiantErotic energy amplified by leatherFaith in a higher powerAligned with desire I could never believe in a godWho doesn’t sanctify consensual pleasureI cannot be guided by a religionThat demands that I suppress who I am You have described your journeyGrappling with queer identityReconciling this inner truth\With the strictures […]
You are sleek and captivatingAn evolving miracleYou are a karmic vesselA magic changeling creating I feel blessed by our connectionPrivileged to know youI am intoxicated by your visionsEmpowered by prophetic truth You are a tiger and a dragonA vixen and a vesperYou are a prince of mysteryA sorceress of deep […]
You inspire me and rewire meDesire builds inside of meAngelic grace fuels ecstasyShowing how potent passion can be Your mirror is sacred revelationReflecting karmic manifestationI grow though creative collaborationApocalypse eclipsed by hope for salvation You channel seismic carnal heatKarmic angels rule city streetsWe surrender control but don’t retreatWe amplify […]
Your beauty is classicYour presence is magicI long for your danceSupple and orgasmic You are sculpted shadowDrawing strength from deep watersThe torrid currents reverberateMoving ecstasy further This is a fantasyEtched in rhymeI imagine your chemistryI imagine your mind You bring bulletproof styleFramed by chiseled featuresYour shadows move effortlesslyLike tectonic plates […]
This is majesticVisceral transcendanceYour spirit evolvingInvoking repentance I feel the pull of this riverConduit for all I writeDeep water seducesTransmuting cosmic light You are HermesYou are MercuryYou offer meWords to speak You show me this spirit worldYou are a vesper of liberationYour tattoos are sacred sigilsTestaments to imagination Phantoms of […]
I am mesmerized by your intensityYour energy is pulsatingYour mind captivatingYour spirit stimulating You amplify the fire of evolutionOrgasmic solutions dispel confusionYou activate a love profusionYour body fuels a sacred revolution You are Adonis incarnatePhysical perfection etched in inkI am inspired by your courageLavishing ambrosia on my lips You seduce […]
Your flesh is lusciousVisceral and radiantYour presence captivatesSalacious and succulent You seduce with your eyesYou transfix with your mindRivulets of orgasmic powerReverberate deep inside I feel your energyI am your supplicantYou invite manic chemistryYour body is sacred testament We summon imaginationCraving liberationErotic incantationsAmplify carnal elation Your manifestation is succulentYour libido […]
This is an explosion of the eroticSilver hair flying with the windA cycle beginsArousing desire deep within Your presence is magneticSinuous and kineticRiot glam conjures synergySizzling and electric Exploring the tantricAgainst a wall of graffitiYou exude rebellionThrough every contour of your body Riot glam is emphaticTelepathic and pornographicWe build webs […]
I watch this raging firePulsating with desirePulsating with the energy of this full moonI dream of the joy of your companyI yearn for sacred epiphany Mercury is in Gemini tonightI am called to dream, scheme, and executeCalled to exude imaginationTo reorganize, rebel, and reboot The power of this water is […]
Supple and sultry you invite desireMy mind goes wild with what you inspireWe choose what we do when we feel this fireI imagine alchemy when I penetrate your eye This is tantric zen—It is cosmic sexI imagine your touch, your gaze, and your breathWe evolve to survive this age of […]
You are my vicesThese images: intense and luridI imagine your energyI imagine chemistryAn exotic and erotic connection I am addicted to sex magicAddicted to the tantricEntranced by elusive sensuality Your unveiled eyeBoth sacred and sacrilegiousA harbinger of hedonismA leather elixirA fantasy I write by the river at dawnOur sun conquers […]
I look at you and my heart surgesEmerald erotic conjuring tantric imagination Your are telepathic and pornographicEcstatic and viscerally emphatic I write by the riverLight interweaving with shadowCreating fractals of digitized wavesChemistry reverberating across the water Water channels erotic synergyGenerating sensuous palpitations You are a gender hybridElemental tattoos teeming with […]
You inspire desire and deep devotionYour psyche churns with karmic motionWe get into the groove and cause a commotionOur minds bend time as our armadas traverse oceans You writhe, tantalize, and mesmerizeEmpowered by supple skin and luscious eyesTantric magma surges from deep insideBurning fierce with crimson erotic pride Angelic power […]
The ebb and the flowTides come and goSorcery made wholeBy the synergy of souls Down by the waterYou seduce and you conjureEvoking cosmic wonderAt this river and her daughters Shadow magic aquaticUnleashes power tectonicThe subterranean eroticArises fierce and hypnotic Water is lifeWe incant and believeBecoming her warriorsHer sacred ministries Your […]