
98 posts


limbs extend, attenuate, and bend–the scars of guilt and shame are healed yet again…we celebrate life and the powers arising from deep within–we are a sex positive armada and our epic style is heaven sent…this is an alien ballet pregnant with cosmic insight–our bodies contort in alignment with our higher […]


here i am–humbly and blissfully imperfect–reckoning with harm i have caused by striving to be accountable and doing work to transform…i am decentering self–dismantling the illusion of my willful power to control the world around me…this is my attempt at surrender–and her matrix of liberation is opening new vistas of […]


the buddhist teacher tich nhat hanh taught me to see that we are like clouds–forever evolving and changing from one state to another…always becoming but never, ever, simply becoming nothing…i am filled with exuberance in this moment, witnessing the deepening roots of recovery in my life–witnessing the sacred inspiration into […]


her voice soars, amplifying the resonance of visceral blood memories–echoes of primordial pleasure emerging to coat our writhing bodies in glistening sweat–echoes of days gone by when a woman pleasuring herself in a shower would have felt dirty and unclean…she is a sun dragon–a divine spirit channeling the reverberations of […]


my god is in the noticing–noticing the moment between when i start to breathe and when i feel the first rush of air into my lungs…noticing the energy and magic that surrounds us–evident in birds that flock and fungi who thrive on the toxins leached by other forms of life…noticing […]

GESTATION: diary of a shadow worker

I want to write about who I am becoming—and about what I am leaving behind…I want to write about the web we are weaving to save the air we are breathing with the power of our minds…I am a shadow worker in gestation—seeing the cracks through which liberation comes…pouring libations […]


so its official—we are now the epicenter of this global pandemic…and we aren’t yet managing to even test everyone with symptoms…this is all likely to get exponentially worse before it gets any better—leaders of color have plowed the ground building networks for mutual aid and resistance—prefiguring the faintly visible outlines […]


living in luminous sobriety is its own sacred high–we must craft a healing revolution to sanctify our hearts and minds…the oxygen, dopamine, and adrenaline make me wild and super fly–i am done being a spice junkie constantly lost in the ebb and flow of time…i saw visceral visions as i […]

SACRED GEOMETRY: the architecture of perfection

i feel fucking perfect–animated by a precise balance between intoxication and sobriety…the sinuous sacred geometry of the immense creativity permeating this space keeps my imagination firing on all cylinders…is it emergent strategy in all its nuance and potency?  is it love and comradery and the fellowship of movement building?  i […]


pleasure is so DAMN powerful…it arms us to sustain ourselves in resilience and to resist acquiescing to systemic oppression–we aspire to liberation and seek truth in divine lessons…we aspire to build fortresses of healing across our polarized nation…when i see a body, mind, and spirit to lust for, all of […]


i feel you in my blood as it permeates my veins i feel your jedi mind as it bends the psychotropic plane we rise up for liberation determined to break the chains we fight to heal our traumas–to set fire to historic pain…   you are my prince of fire […]


in my body heartbeat throbbing–feeling myself or feeling somebody…transformational forces become embodied–i love the intensity of your cock deep inside me…erotic power suffuses our existence–it stokes the fires we build to transform this system…if we grasp the immense powers the erotic gives us we won’t settle for catastrophic misery enforced […]


you see us dance among you, but fail to sense our jedi powers in emergence—we conjure rites of love and liberation aspiring towards an all encompassing transformational resurgence…we sync our bypo minds through the meditative practices of erotic pleasure and service–I can’t choose my apocalypse squad but i can recruit […]


layers of truth emerge in our minds–they refract and manifest new dimensions come into being, metamorph, and coalesce our psychic strength is evolving in sync with grounding intentional breath we must be still and hone our powers to uproot this cult of death my manic mind seeks cosmic meaning in […]


visions this intense have never before penetrated my mind—i see with godlike vision peering through amplified love fueled eyes…fractals manifest everywhere conveying prophecies for our disciples to find—this spiritual and erotic armor prepares us to leave the toxicity of this system behind…i am ripening through so much beauty and experiencing […]


i open my eyes in wonder at the majesty of the stars–i imagine fractal geometries connecting us near and far…i am a scorpio by birth but a rising phoenix by heart–i dream of a revolution to tear this sick system apart…we need the gnosis of both east and west to […]


nocturnal visions and prophecies suffuse our world and let her breathe…craving love and refusing sleep—crafting verses driving deep…pentagons and hexagons—trapezoids and octagons…geometry voiced by our freedom songs—doing right and righting wrongs… we weave the tapestry of a new religion from disparate threads of divergent spiritual traditions…grounding our energy through meditation—seeking […]

INSURRECTION: a hard house anthem of resistance

we are the ones we’ve been waiting for—we are a people becoming an army knocking on destiny’s door…we aspire to become living gods or at least to become more—we throw down to the house beat driving our armored boots into the floor…cosmology and astrology conjure reborn numerology—like a symphony and […]

CYLON HEXAGONS: the radiating geometry of praxis

rising proud with cylon style—fusing sentience with desire…the hexagons refracting and capturing our praxis—inspire our minds as evolution moves faster…solar peace reflects on our trans pharaoh’s solar plexus—we radiate positive energy even if many will at first reject us…geometries sheathe divine truths guiding spiritual pursuits—our army of cylon geishas is […]


my eyes were first met by visions when i was 25…psychic angels connecting smoke and light–earth, body, and sky…floridly manic i flew through central park imagining myself as a primal hunter gatherer…i felt time slow then accelerate–i felt my power…i imagined a destiny beyond time–beyond the parameters of our earthly […]