
100 posts


  I write at dawn Under this waning full moon Tides of emotion in these cards Hybrid energy fills the room   I called forth this reading Seeking connection and direction Summoning power for this project Inviting alchemy and inception   I explore this hybrid divination This conversation between oracle […]


  Your allure irresistible Magnetic and transfixing Energy translucent Visceral and entrancing   Our hearts in your hands Your presence grips our minds Your epic viscous beauty Your psychic inner fire   Your craft so versatile Tantric eye candy Empowering femininity Exuding sexual electricity   Your eyes scintillate SIlencing the […]


  You were in the world but not of it You told of awful things You created from a cradle of pain A dad sized cavity in your spirit   What if I could have been your friend? Helping you set boundaries Could you have escaped tragedy The scourge of […]


I write by my rivers I gaze at your face Animated by electricity Amplified by grace   Your powers cyberkinetic You fuse mind and machine Conjuring fantasy Liberating collective dreams   Energy floods my cortex This flood of the erotic Our bodies intertwine Our spirits symbiotic   This is quantum […]


Light and shadow Cause and effect One and the same What comes next   I want your curse I want your disease This is sacred medicine Pain pleases me   We move through time Hurdling through space Tasting the fifth dimension Experiencing the spiritual plane   I am the singularity […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connection We share shamanic magic The duality of the tantric A fierce energy ecstatic   You manifest the divine Duality redefined The epic power of Kali Creation redesigned   You feast on the blood of demons Ossified skulls adorn your waist Sacred sigils frame your face Visceral […]


  Fire writhes upward Manifesting dark magic Emanating from the root chakra Liberating my energy Animating prophetic imagination   Tantric forces amplify Awakening archetypes of masculinity Awakening my inner king My fearless rising warrior My shamanic magician My most exquisite tantalizing lover   These archetypes interbreed Under the glow of […]


In this space On this land Energy flows through me Magic transpires   I write in the dark of night Amidst the rhythms of rain Shamanic power conjures the elements Pulsating with the vitality of life Nurturing an inferno of resilience within   The omnisexual erotic unfolds Bodies touch and […]


I write before my fires Imagining prayers of salvation Conjuring sacred incantations Crafting the scaffolding of liberation   I summon these images Leather molding a raw erotic This inferno vibrates with music Capturing transformational energy embryonic   This is outlaw gospel This is licentious religion We are fueled by tantric […]


I am ensconced in recovery Emblazoned by surrender Rewired by these waters Rivers of transformation flowing together   I am the water king An aquatic tantric magician I resurrect ancient prophecy I create my own religion   My throne is luminous My kingdom egalitarian Neurodivergence fuels our purpose Waters of […]


    These men of beauty Illuminated in vulnerability Lips full Eyes radiant Churning with passion With karmic intensity   Faces framed by flowers Colors lush and vibrant Redefining masculinity Manifesting the alchemy of queer identity   These vibrant paintings Crafted with exquisite care Offering insight and perspective Prophetic manifestations […]


I connect with your eyes Feeling your steel vulnerability Your body etched in ink Your heart open and searching   I write by my rivers Water incandescent in blue light Serene and sinuous like your spirit Reverberating with the alchemy of desire   Your body screams power You are sex […]


    I feel joy Ecstatic joy Connection with these beings Connection with deep waters of transformation   Godlings of rain bless this space today The land inundated Water finding the path of least resistance Flowing serpentine   Abram’s Creek a deluge Pregnant with energy and healing Connecting us with […]


As Black folk We rise from oceans of trauma Seas of historic pain   We recover like webs of oak trees Deeply rooted in the earth Roots interlocking and interwoven Fortified against hurricane   Our journey begins again This sacred pilgrimage Converging to create anticapitalist community   Drawing strength from […]


I made this pilgrimage I came to the sea seeking recovery To this convening of addicts Trying to change our patterns Trying to recover   It is only April The ocean is still cold But I walked into her arms three times yesterday   I waded in with the dawn […]


You were a sacrifice An offering from the sacred A voice for a generation Prophet of liberation Prophet of yearning   I ride by this river Feeling subterranean vibrations This water helps my spirit cry River tears of absolution and restitution   Black shadow resonates On the surface of sacred […]


  Blue light ricochets through water Coursing like seismic electricity Invoking cosmic destiny Molding a conjecture with prophecy This visceral manifestation of what I feel for you   You are my sponsees My karmic proteges Conjuring inner magic Reverberating like kinetic static Through these waters of synergy   I believe […]


There is always a narrative Between our hands and the crops Lie the seeds   Rooting deep within the earth Seeking nutrients And precious water   Seeds are fractals Embedded with our ecosystem’s genetic coding Emanating scintillating geometry Organic spirituality embodied   Seeds pulsate With the fire of evolution A […]


You spin hard house Vibrating the club floor Cyberpunk to the core Our drug of choice is more   I seek the fire of recovery The sacred power of discovery Potent flames ignite my memory Reimagining collective destiny   We seek subterranean rhythms  Rhythmic throbs of revolution This magnum anthem […]


You stand against a tree Your torso framed Intricate arboreal architecture Like excavated skeletons Fractals manifest In the crags of bark   You are a creature of exquisite mystery You are a portent of pivotal history Warrior and lover Caliph of erotic intricacy   Your eyes fortify and galvanize Piercing […]


You channel this chemistry You nurture this flame This is kinetic artistry An ecstatic erotic game   Leather accents your sensuality Leather manifests corporeality Embodied animality An inferno of orgasmic pain   You wield this flame like a scimitar Conjuring the sacred and spiritual Flexing power with pyrotechnic ritual Healing […]


  You inspire me and rewire me Desire builds inside of me Angelic grace fuels ecstasy Showing how potent passion can be   Your mirror is sacred revelation Reflecting karmic manifestation I grow though creative collaboration Apocalypse eclipsed by hope for salvation   You channel seismic carnal heat Karmic angels […]


Shadows reverberate across this water Reminding me of your tantric armor Inspiring me Rewiring me Inviting me to trust you further   Leather pulsating with sex appeal Unearthing truths to be revealed Releasing control Enticing my soul Arousing passion I cannot conceal   We celebrate the power of blackness We […]


I am mesmerized by your intensity Your energy is pulsating Your mind captivating Your spirit stimulating   You amplify the fire of evolution Orgasmic solutions dispel confusion You activate a love profusion Your body fuels a sacred revolution   You are Adonis incarnate Physical perfection etched in ink I am […]


You are visceral inspiration You are succulent temptation We unleash imagination Conjuring the scaffolding of liberation   Your fire is potent and intensely catalytic Generating fractals ecstatic and acidic Our tantric underground is fierce and prolific Intertwining the sacred and the sacrilegious   I feel so alive—back with these deep […]


This stream races with urgency Water rushing through rocks and trenches Perpetually sounding like rain Inviting me into vulnerability Inviting me into community   Here I sit writing Digesting the contours of this space Finding my own water level in this new culture I yearn for authenticity and honesty I […]