Energy reverberates through crystal prisms—energy that is never either created or destroyed… Power magnifies from the source, channelling energy as it changes form—cultivating connection and creativity… We are all connected to this universal power—we are all conduits for spiritual, cosmic, and tantric synergy… Our source defies and transcends gender… It […]
energy fires from each of your eyesinviting us to yearn: inviting us to tryyour erotic power is enshrined in a throne of desireinspiring our global army to reboot and rewire… you are branded like a prince in sacred tantric inktattoos transcribe intentional ways to be and to think..we dance […]
there is clandestine power in your eyes and clandestine erotic energy in your hands… you traverse a multitude of worlds full of prescient awareness of your inner strength and fortitude… you have grown and grounded yourself through the recognition of having been lost, searching, and out of control… what we […]
You are an angel in my pantheon—a muse for my creative mindThe power of your psychic torus extends and extrapolates ever further as our psyches intertwine You are evolving into a prophet of ecstasy, solidarity, and radical imaginationYou are redefining sex appeal as the primordial exoskeleton of our newrising civilization […]
Your gaze is direct—commanding and inviting—suggesting sorcery and vast seductive power Your energy expands to fill the space–conjuring a subliminal symphony of attraction and desire Light reflects from your eyes creating sacred intimacy and connection–crafting moments pregnant with magic and majesty We summon heat and energy from deep within the […]
In the queer male world we talk a lot about pride… We talk about gay pride but not gay shame… Shame born of the fact that few of us fit the intensely sculpted archetypes of beauty to whom we pay allegiance… Shame born of internalized homophobia and the catty pettiness […]
You tantalize and synthesizeYou rise and fly and prophesizeYou are a pin-up playboy with seductive eyesYou are a conduit for dreams waiting to be realized The energy that flows is infectious and potentWe conjure rites of passage and divine tantric potionsYour sex magic fuels a sizzling and infinite kinetic motionWe […]
You are an intergalactic missionary dancing to the throb of pulsating rhythms You heal schisms and conjure visions—imagining the power to transform this system With the moon in Virgo I feel pride and elation rise to the surface conveying all that you mean to my spirit and my passion We […]
Your energy is seismic, electric, and magnetic… We fuse our hybrid imaginations into a psychic storm that is visceral and kinetic… You seduce with your eyes, with your mind, and with your fire… You transform the sexually transactional into an act of sacred pride… The power of the hypno-erotic unleashes […]
You are branded in technicolor—fierce and resonant… The iconography of many cultures manifests on your body—intricately executed and spiritually sacrosanct… You are a powerfully unique being and this potency is manifested in this prophetic tattoo—this creation that expresses all that you are and all that you aspire to do… […]
The future of the future will still contain the pastyour energy is like a tsunami igniting an erotic cosmic matchwe never know what blessings we will find on this sacred karmic pathwe dedicate our souls to creative liberation rooted in the present while honing our craft I will be a […]
I invite you into this moment as he embraces you within his arms—I invite you into my present and the power of two to become one… This is digitized cylon sensuality transpiring within my mind–it is a subterranean erotic uprising transforming lust into a liberating grind… We can visualize sexual […]
You unveil epic strength embedded in each of your eyesyou are an insurrectionary army in supple erotic disguise we reclaim sacred land with the clarity of our mindswe chart a path to liberation when we dance, writhe, and grind We build decolonized power in the heart of empirewe seek indigenous […]
This is a fantasy and a vision—it is a vector in the exercise of erotic imagination… I saw your lips meet those of your dancer, and I imagined that they were my own… I imagined the contours of your body as they channel the power of godlings of the subconscious… […]
Here I am: right were I need to be… This perfect June sky approaching sunset—delicate blues and pinks dancing in the stratosphere Dancing like we danced in the streets hours ago—celebrating the growing power of the struggle for trans and queer liberation…. This is my first fully clean Pride… The […]
Their eyes pulsate with emotion… All of their limbs are taut and ready animated by the urgency of the moment… These are the guardians of that which was not taken These shamanic warriors defend the motherland, guarding space for our people to thrive… We whose ancestors were expropriated fight for […]
Your pores exude a savage musky intensity, suggesting exquisite power and confidence… I feel your chest next to mine and I am intensely aroused… I feel our hips locking into synchronicity and I feel my snake magic rising to the surface of awareness… You are cock diesel—a master of seductive […]
Deep within, the pulse of passion inspires the mind into a state of elation… Palpitation and exhilaration conjure a sacred dance of tantric energy… We gather our vespers and vixens—our shamans and our pole dancers… We imagine a new sensual landscape liberated from the shackles of patriarchy and heterosexual dictatorship… […]
God and goddess fuse into onewe dance under the moon and frolic in the sun this is a mythological rewiring of an ancient story of creationit is a deep dive into the diaspora from which our people come… love is our god and sex is our goddessthis visceral synergy gives […]
I am conjuring a metaphor—I am conjuring a rhyme the fractals animating my imagination are sinking deep roots in my mind I heed the polyvalent technicolor narratives conveyed by our planets in orbit the power of astrological wisdom helps me live most fully in the present a cosmic conjecture is […]
I am a human being suffering from the human conditionI am psychosis and neurosis: I am mania and depression I feel things to the bone and I seek the deepest truthI imagine my tribe as a cyber-wired battalion of Jedi troops I am not your poison—I am not psychically toxicI […]
When the planets are in retrograde, its a good time to slow down and carve out time to be still… Self-will and grand vision will be crushed underfoot as these massive orbs appear to move backward in the night sky—this retrograde motion is an illusion produced by differing placements and […]
Centuries of oppression and rebellion—of pain and joy—eddy in the waters of time—pregnant with generations of our blood memories… Valkyrie choose the slain in combat—they choose whose blood flows to extinction and whose lives are spared… Black women carry the weight of our struggle in their bones—with marrow communicating routes […]
He is an icon and a maverick—a voice of hope, sensuality, pain, and liberation… This creatrix rises to amplify the power of pride and sexuality—to bring the joys of the grind to our post-apocalyptic civilization… Like so many young black men—especially queer young black men—he wondered if his lips were […]
It was my first night on the psych wardI submerged the Bible in the toiletimagining that I would recreate the sacred text over the course of my stayI imagined that the water would unearth messages and channel symbols not visible to the naked eye Floridly manic and coming down from […]
I write from a place deep inside—from a geothermal vent of being and presence Presence is the essence—the essence of our resistanceimparting the power to transform systems and to conjure new religions… The Moon is in Scorpio and I am asked to go deep—to reimagine our world while cocooned in […]