bipolar solidarity

77 posts


  You ripple with orogenySubterranean power flowingEnergy emanating from the ocean floor Pulsating through your veinsDescending like sacred airYour presence is magneticChannelling collective hope and pain This leather animates your sensualityProjecting emancipated corporealityYour cosmic chemistry transcends bordersPsychic electricity conjures prophecy We build a defiant global rebellionPolyvalent in its manifestationsThis is […]


You are thunder amidst the rainYou swim in the river that keeps me saneErotic power flows through your veinsWe recover from apocalypseWith whatever remains Your image evokes the carnalLicentious gym sexYou pulsate with intensityYou flirt and seduce–grind and flex Deep within transformations emergeOrganic and orgasmic fluids convergeTime stands still awaiting […]


I feel powerSeismic powerEpic tantric forcesMorphing and transformingMolding sacred hours I danced tonightSpirit movedFinding groovesAnimating vulnerabilityAmplifying sensuality My journey is cosmicI channel potent spiritual energy Transmuting manic chaosCreating introspectionLiberated from psychic wildfire I feel prophecy emergingI feel the vibrating starsThe fractalized roots and fungi There is wildfire in my mindAnd […]


  What if my evolving diagnosisIs so much more than pathology?What if it’s not illness?What if its capacity? I feel these burning questionsReverberating karmicallyI feel the power of empathyFractals of neurodivergent chemistry These fractals of psychotropic waterSynaptic fluid pregnant with powerChurning in waves of emotionBurning with the aquatic fire of […]

CLEAN DATE: a bypo journal

February 26thIs just a dateA marker in timeAn outpost amidst psychic wildlings For me it is my clean dateToday—my two year anniversaryTwo years without drugs, including alcoholTwo years of recoveryTwo years of spiritual growt The valence of my mental oscillations is manageableI am more stable and connected than I have […]


My visionsMy visions again A vista of river reverberating with lightRipples and undulations become a Cylon matrix I see my pantheon of erotic disciplesMy inspirations, my collaborators, my co-conspirators It is you—cyberpunk boricuaReturning persuasivelyInsistentlyHelping me imagine our path I realize nowWhat I was chasing and cravingYears of addiction and manic […]


I sit by the water—I came here to writeThe river ebbs and flows and pulsates with energyIt reverberates with the power to sustain life and the power to take it… I came to write about my mindto write about the social construct known as bipolar disorderThis diagnosis has been an […]

TRUST MUSCLE: a journal entry

This is my chosen place to write—it is close to my heart: my trust muscle I sit at the convergence of two rivers and marvel at the magic of the water’s constant motion—maybe this is a metaphor I seek energy from the intricate swirls of wood composing the wharf like […]


I am evolving and deepening my awareness… With the shackles of addiction in remission I live in gratitude and in joy… I live on the manic depressive spectrum—tending towards states of hypomania and mania… Eliminating the toxicity of substances of abuse has helped me stabilize, but the powers within that […]


I am a human being suffering from the human conditionI am psychosis and neurosis: I am mania and depression I feel things to the bone and I seek the deepest truthI imagine my tribe as a cyber-wired battalion of Jedi troops I am not your poison—I am not psychically toxicI […]


It was my first night on the psych wardI submerged the Bible in the toiletimagining that I would recreate the sacred text over the course of my stayI imagined that the water would unearth messages and channel symbols not visible to the naked eye Floridly manic and coming down from […]

TRUTH SERUM: a journal entry

Last night, the moon communed with Jupiter—someone told me to ask for what I want because I just might get it…with synapses firing at speeds faster than light, I asked for insight and foresight—I asked for knowledge of my noble purpose… today, I had a soul to soul convergence with […]


our vixens and our hustlers conjure epic supernatural sentiencewe deduce spiritual principles from the fulcrum of our collective experienceerotic anthems seduce the mind arming us with tantric prescienceerotic armadas patrol the scintillating seas of magical dialectical consciousness we conspire and inspire to build a global tantric subterraneanwe feel our spirits […]


country twang meets harlem swingan old town road to the world we begin marinating and meditatingfornicating and innovating enjoying the beat driving hard and syncedsummoning the will to nurture and the will to resist this poem is an ode to the dynamo known as lil NasXhe spits rhymes that inspire […]


we are barricade freaks rocking prada in the streetwe style our rage in platinum shades shining strong and rolling deep the sacred healing we seek amplifies our quest for psychic peaceour erotic tectonics seduce the commanders of our dreadnought fleet as barricade freaks we charge ferociously into the streetswe dodge […]


my mind reverberates at hypomanic speed to the rhythms of the flickering flames–seven multicolored pillars of fire surround my sacred circle of evolving recovery arising untamed… this monument to the pyromanic is made of the vestiges of dozens of votives…i summon powers of magical incantation from a pantheon of sacred […]


manic zen from deep within fusing sin with oxygenpossibilities writhe and morph revealing potent visions usually accessed psychedelically i have seen vivid fractals unfolding before my closed eyesi have felt tantric erotic power erupting deep inside in this wretched moment civilization is at stakebut i am removed from the world […]


a flame explodes into view, so emblematic of our ragewe rise up to reconstitute a nation that was built to conquer and enslavethese are florid and manic nights followed by meditative and introspective dayswe are trying to reinvent ourselves as a tsunami that can cleanse all of this emotional pain […]


there is subterranean strength in your body and volcanic energy in your mindthis is a seismic cosmic moment when everything that happens is a sacred signwe craft an epitaph for this system etched in rage, blood, and pridei give in to my higher power and seek a creative serenity deep […]


I am proud of how i show up for life on the manic depressive spectrumi am proud of my creativity and empathy, and of my spiritual insights and practice i resist the dogma that calls all of this a disorderbecause when balanced, my neurodivergent mind is opened to inspiration that […]


i am only forty-one, but addiction has been a cunning enemy of my life for at least three decadesat first compulsive sexual stimulation and fantasybut also a foundational addiction to the power of intellect and self will while my head branded me an atheist, my heart and soul kept me […]


Our vibe is subtle, electric, and wildYour warmth is deeply attractive and your charms make me smile You are an ancient people’s warrior king and a cybernetic genius’ childWe are bonded by the related demons that teem within our minds We have shared common struggles and bared vulnerable soulsWe seek […]


] you see us dance among you, but fail to sense our jedi powers in emergencewe conjure rites of love and liberation aspiring towards an all encompassing transformational resurgencewe sync our bypo minds through the meditative practices of erotic pleasure and serviceI can’t choose my apocalypse squad but i can […]


alone with my emotions, i am wracked by malaise i contend with my demons clothed in varied shades of grey i summon my defenses from near and far away i imagine a present moment where i don’t yearn for what i crave after two years living on dopamine, i am […]

VICES: the dialectic of pathology

lost in the grip of neurochemical riptides, i grope for an anchor or for a potent dose of dopamine age old addictions resurge like pathologies ravaging interpersonal trust so viscerally and so suddenly i have sown the seeds of a pernicious strand of sex addiction amplified by the allure of […]


hypnotic, erotic, and intensely and viscerally exotic we weave our way through this matrix evolving towards the supersonic deeply inspired by potent and ancient pagan poetry we meditate to rebalance and hone jedi powers when we breathe we invent our own religion forged of the spiritual and the carnal we […]