body art

95 posts


You were in the world but not of itYou told of awful thingsYou created from a cradle of painA dad sized cavity in your spirit What if I could have been your friend?Helping you set boundariesCould you have escaped tragedyThe scourge of fentanylClaiming your life You saw the toxicity of […]


I come to my riversI come to writeTo capture these momentsTranscribing this night An hour ago I held you closeFinding an orgasmic kissA taste of carnal fireA taste of sacred bliss Fields of orgasmic energy coalesceStrictures that chain us are transgressedWe share the subtle humor of sexOur spirit bodies pulse […]


House beats throbYou move with fervent fireYour body armored in leatherPulsating with my desire Illuminated by strobe lightYour body glistens with synergyYou dance joyous vitalityPermeated by potent electricity I write by my riversLight reverberating the water’s surfaceRippling with kinetic energyActivating viscous psychic currents We seek tantric blissCraving the unity of […]


We move with epic styleVersace shades beguileWe seek transcendent freedomFreedom from shame and denial I strive to light your wayA path from drugs we craveWe name the roots of painNurturing a sacred flame We strut and flaunt our furRebranding this holy wordRecovery transforms our worldA flag of hope and pride […]


Your confidence is penetratingAlluring and devastatingTension is escalatingLibido is salivating This is back alley kinkYou are armored in leatherPotent tides draw us togetherAmplifying an inferno of pleasure You tantalize my mindElectricity courses insideTime is rewiredDistorted by the fire of desire The scent of sex proliferatesSurging dopamine dominatesKarmic angels liberateSynapses fire […]


I connect with your eyesFeeling your steel vulnerabilityYour body etched in inkYour heart open and searching I write by my riversWater incandescent in blue lightSerene and sinuous like your spiritReverberating with the alchemy of desire Your body screams powerYou are sex presence embodiedBut your eyes are forever vulnerableConduits to visceral […]


This is an x-rated poemThis is your content warningThese are verses of ecstasyVerses of psychic fantasyAn orgasmic epiphany evolving Lips vibrateCocks pulsateMy tongue circumnavigatesLiquid libido proliferates I get high on your lipsI get high on your breathThis is a tantric kissThe fusion of life and death I am in my […]


You were a sacrificeAn offering from the sacredA voice for a generationProphet of liberationProphet of yearning I ride by this riverFeeling subterranean vibrationsThis water helps my spirit cryRiver tears of absolution and restitution Black shadow resonatesOn the surface of sacred waterGlistening like onyxA dark mirror for your storyReflecting the toxicity […]

TANTRIC MYTHOLOGY: a bypo journal

Spirit movesDeeply attunedMy mind expandsDuality reconstrued My god is desireMy god is awakeningThis explosion of tantric fireOur collective divinity creating I am a vessel for the sacredWorshiping divergent pantheonsAztec martyrs fuse with OsirisBantu gods craft new songs Yoruba spirits traverse deep watersYamaya and Oshun: divinity’s daughtersShango’s fire powers virilityFueling the […]


Pulsations of pleasureCoursing through leatherWeaving togetherEpic tantric potential Your presence iconoclasticYour energy emphaticYou amplify the orgasmicCreating synergies ecstatic This chemistry reverberatesImagination percolatesMy mind resonatesDopamine liberates I meditate on your imageConjuring a pilgrimageQueer prophecy envisionedUndermining toxic systems Iconoclast leather lacerates oppressionMapping new futuresCharting new directions Creating an inferno of resurrectionMoving through […]


Your chest is brandedTattoos geometricEnergy concentricSynergy electric Your veins course with powerImbued with noble bloodUndulating passionConjuring a synaptic flood You are a sexual samuraiShogun of the orgasmicOur dance is ecstaticOur chemistry tantric We craft a sacred armyForming phalanxes of liberationWe are animated by revelationBy the salvation of imagination Leather amplifies […]


This is an homage to an angelIn devilish disguiseTattoos brand your bodyIncarnations of your mind You are electric but humbleEnticing but kindI imagine tantric powerSurging deep inside Your beauty is rawInspiring these rhymesEpic sex presenceTransmogrifies time I feel a taste of liberationAn explosion of carnal fireYou command the eroticYou writhe […]


  You ripple with orogenySubterranean power flowingEnergy emanating from the ocean floor Pulsating through your veinsDescending like sacred airYour presence is magneticChannelling collective hope and pain This leather animates your sensualityProjecting emancipated corporealityYour cosmic chemistry transcends bordersPsychic electricity conjures prophecy We build a defiant global rebellionPolyvalent in its manifestationsThis is […]


Your hands enmeshedBodies breathing sexTattoos brand your necksCarnal instincts flex This percussive instantResounding and poundingDetonating and captivatingTantric fire abounding Your bodies mesmerizeYour minds hypnotizeI imagine you intertwinedCarnal instinct opened wide I feel the pulse of creationA flood of imaginationLicentious anticipationBreeding sacred salvation Carnal instinct reverberatesSinuous ink animatesDesire writhes and percolatesErotic […]


Angel eyesDraw me insideVulnerability embodiedEvoking desire Your tattooed bodyA geometric proofUrgently communicatingYour policy of truth Scandalous like fireLicentious and boldBut always your eyesAre portals to your soul I write by deep waterThis platonic love letterYour policy of truthManifesting in lace or leather This potent connectionConduit to resurrectionWe eviscerate deceptionAwakening erotic […]


You spin hard houseVibrating the club floorCyberpunk to the coreOur drug of choice is more I seek the fire of recoveryThe sacred power of discoveryPotent flames ignite my memoryReimagining collective destiny We seek subterranean rhythms Rhythmic throbs of revolutionThis magnum anthem burnsIt is a viscous karmic solution I feel your tantric […]


You are thunder amidst the rainYou swim in the river that keeps me saneErotic power flows through your veinsWe recover from apocalypseWith whatever remains Your image evokes the carnalLicentious gym sexYou pulsate with intensityYou flirt and seduce–grind and flex Deep within transformations emergeOrganic and orgasmic fluids convergeTime stands still awaiting […]


The word hits meInvoking your presenceAnimating your essenceExulting in revelry The word is gauntletYou redefine itDaring me to dreamDaring me to transcribe it I write by a tumultuous riverPregnant with potencyTeeming with the power of oceansDancing with feral remnants of a hurricane You are a storm in my imaginationOmnipresent tattoos […]


You are wired with the fire of leatherMagnifying desire with the rhythms of pleasureVisceral synergy brings our worlds togetherProjecting electricity too potent to measure Manifesting as Hephaestus you forge volcanicCrafting sacred talismans—reimagining the orgasmicGrinding to leather anthems both raw and ecstaticTransforming my spirit with your tantalizing magic Our erotic flair […]


You stand against a treeYour torso framedIntricate arboreal architectureLike excavated skeletonsFractals manifestIn the crags of bark You are a creature of exquisite mysteryYou are a portent of pivotal historyWarrior and loverCaliph of erotic intricacy Your eyes fortify and galvanizePiercing a miasma of systemic mendacityPutrefying ideologyPropagated to perpetuate subordination We dance […]


I sit by the waterI came here to writ I excavate for meaning in your imagesImagining a narrativeA connection between two souls I stare at the sunBrilliant light reflected by the riverManifesting fractals of lightFractals reverberating in ecstasy I feel exhilarationTransmuting this energy My mind pivots from the waterTaking in […]


  I write under a waning moonI write at the edge of pulsating waterI imagine your energy eclipsing meScintillating powers for apocalyptic hours I want to write something explosiveVerses for this explosive instantA poem writhing—tumultuousA conduit for licentious erotic vision Your image is electric and enticingYour power is potent and […]


You are radiantErotic energy amplified by leatherFaith in a higher powerAligned with desire I could never believe in a godWho doesn’t sanctify consensual pleasureI cannot be guided by a religionThat demands that I suppress who I am You have described your journeyGrappling with queer identityReconciling this inner truth\With the strictures […]


You are sleek and captivatingAn evolving miracleYou are a karmic vesselA magic changeling creating I feel blessed by our connectionPrivileged to know youI am intoxicated by your visionsEmpowered by prophetic truth You are a tiger and a dragonA vixen and a vesperYou are a prince of mysteryA sorceress of deep […]


We are disciples of rebellionDisciples of dissentWe seduce with psychic powerWith orgasmic extravagance Tattoos brand our bodiesInsurrection brands our mindsColor accentuates our powerLove and lust intertwine Waters of rebellion surgeAllowing a zeitgeist of insurrectionTides of destiny convergeLiberating my erotic urge This is punk rock anarchyA sacred queer fantasyWe stimulate and […]


You are metaphorOnce symbiotic with one of my favorite beingsYou are HermesMessenger among the godsSending messages across psychic oceansEmanating flotillas of imagination You are Mercury now in shadowWe inhabit a liminal momentPoised between prototypical orbitAnd retrogradeThe appearance of cosmic regression Mercury in shadow is a metaphorA lens through which we […]