
128 posts


  I don’t know you But I love you like I do Bewitching enigma Joyous tears a cosmic truth   You master the elements Weaving emotional narrative Your prophecy resonant Your melodies mysterious   Frank Ocean the genius Hierophant and magician Synthesizing sonic currents Uprooting bad religion   Captivating storytelling […]


  I worship spirit Gazing at my fire altar I am transforming I am evolving   Integrating new insights I work to release To let go of shadows Patterns that longer serve me   I see my birth chart in new light Libra energy calls for balance Pausing with intention […]


i I have seen three films Three prisms for the psyche Your eye impeccable Accessing the emotional subterranean   Your latest work incisive Exploring tennis as metaphor Tennis as a relationship Ambition and drive Calculation and manipulation   In your eyes Time is a vortex Time is collapsed Emotional memories […]


  This is a firestorm A geomagnetic conflagration Permeating the atmosphere Stimulating imagination   Hearts beat in unison Heeding rhythms deep inside Linking our psyches Unchaining our minds   Our people soar high We also crash low Tendencies accentuated By geomagnetic flow   The energy orgasmic The alchemy dynamic Animating […]


  Her lovely essence Her beautiful flower Leaves me speechless Left in awe   The power of femininity The majesty of womanhood Grasping my psyche Leaving me wanting more   I can’t resist I crave it This supernatural seduction Riptides of sinuous femininity   Rising like Aphrodite Goddess of my […]


Light and shadow Cause and effect One and the same What comes next   I want your curse I want your disease This is sacred medicine Pain pleases me   We move through time Hurdling through space Tasting the fifth dimension Experiencing the spiritual plane   I am the singularity […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connection We share shamanic magic The duality of the tantric A fierce energy ecstatic   You manifest the divine Duality redefined The epic power of Kali Creation redesigned   You feast on the blood of demons Ossified skulls adorn your waist Sacred sigils frame your face Visceral […]


I come to my rivers I come to write To capture these moments Transcribing this night   An hour ago I held you close Finding an orgasmic kiss A taste of carnal fire A taste of sacred bliss   Fields of orgasmic energy coalesce Strictures that chain us are transgressed […]


Bass drives treble flies Fearsome beats mesmerize Seductive eyes tantalize Alchemy consumes my mind   You spin tracks touched by fire Captivating my desire Building power rising higher Activating time rewired   Your body pulsates with energy Reverberating with cosmic chemistry Salacious images inspire me Conjuring licentious poetry   You […]


You inspire me Suffusing me in ancient wisdom Connecting me with vitality and love Blessing me with radiant lunar energy Exploring and expanding polyamory Your love is my precious drug   I feel stronger with you I feel rooted in my power Bathed in acceptance In your arms I sleep […]


I feel your energy Pulsating and devastating Animating and liberating Vibrating with tantric chemistry   I came to these waters to write To process these magical moments These rivers reflect the moonlight Awakening emotional currents   We just met hours ago Coincidence that is not coincidence A convergence of spiritual […]


I write before my fires Imagining prayers of salvation Conjuring sacred incantations Crafting the scaffolding of liberation   I summon these images Leather molding a raw erotic This inferno vibrates with music Capturing transformational energy embryonic   This is outlaw gospel This is licentious religion We are fueled by tantric […]


Your confidence is penetrating Alluring and devastating Tension is escalating Libido is salivating   This is back alley kink You are armored in leather Potent tides draw us together Amplifying an inferno of pleasure   You tantalize my mind Electricity courses inside Time is rewired Distorted by the fire of […]


    These men of beauty Illuminated in vulnerability Lips full Eyes radiant Churning with passion With karmic intensity   Faces framed by flowers Colors lush and vibrant Redefining masculinity Manifesting the alchemy of queer identity   These vibrant paintings Crafted with exquisite care Offering insight and perspective Prophetic manifestations […]


Your bodies erotic Encircled by energy Libido flowing torrential Orgasmic alchemy elemental   You converge from many nations Licentious chemistry burns electric Your synergy is psychokinetic This circle an erotic dialectic   Phallic fire reverberates Your spirits rise and gestate Fertile moments germinate This erotic inferno liberates   This circle […]

TANTRIC MYTHOLOGY: a bypo journal

Spirit moves Deeply attuned My mind expands Duality reconstrued   My god is desire My god is awakening This explosion of tantric fire Our collective divinity creating   I am a vessel for the sacred Worshiping divergent pantheons Aztec martyrs fuse with Osiris Bantu gods craft new songs   Yoruba […]


Pulsations of pleasure Coursing through leather Weaving together Epic tantric potential   Your presence iconoclastic Your energy emphatic You amplify the orgasmic Creating synergies ecstatic   This chemistry reverberates Imagination percolates My mind resonates Dopamine liberates   I meditate on your image Conjuring a pilgrimage Queer prophecy envisioned Undermining toxic […]


Your chest is branded Tattoos geometric Energy concentric Synergy electric   Your veins course with power Imbued with noble blood Undulating passion Conjuring a synaptic flood   You are a sexual samurai Shogun of the orgasmic Our dance is ecstatic Our chemistry tantric   We craft a sacred army Forming […]


Exuding titanic strength Through a veil of crimson lace We create our fates Crafting a newrising faith   You are sinuous masculinity Projecting tantric virility This is a fulcrum of possibility A dance with divinity   Gender binaries implode Sex presence explodes I taste the fire of your soul You […]


You command with your eyes You command my desire Licentious forces arise Uprooting despotic empire   You are a priest of cylon breed Part human part machine Part vision part dream Amplifying this revolutionary creed   Diasporic rebellion surges Our hypermodern zeitgeist emerges The power of wakanda converges Crafting the […]


This is an homage to an angel In devilish disguise Tattoos brand your body Incarnations of your mind   You are electric but humble Enticing but kind I imagine tantric power Surging deep inside   Your beauty is raw Inspiring these rhymes Epic sex presence Transmogrifies time   I feel […]


I channel this fire I channel desire Your radiant eyes Make time rewire   You are a cypher of devotion Your power is hypnotic This is an explosion of imagination A pantheon of the erotic   My pen interprets your energy My mind deciphers psychic chemistry This is destiny and […]


  You ripple with orogeny Subterranean power flowing Energy emanating from the ocean floor   Pulsating through your veins Descending like sacred air Your presence is magnetic Channelling collective hope and pain   This leather animates your sensuality Projecting emancipated corporeality Your cosmic chemistry transcends borders Psychic electricity conjures prophecy […]


I sit by the water I came here to write   I excavate for meaning in your images Imagining a narrative A connection between two souls   I stare at the sun Brilliant light reflected by the river Manifesting fractals of light Fractals reverberating in ecstasy   I feel exhilaration […]


  I write under a waning moon I write at the edge of pulsating water I imagine your energy eclipsing me Scintillating powers for apocalyptic hours   I want to write something explosive Verses for this explosive instant A poem writhing—tumultuous A conduit for licentious erotic vision   Your image […]


You are sleek and captivating An evolving miracle You are a karmic vessel A magic changeling creating   I feel blessed by our connection Privileged to know you I am intoxicated by your visions Empowered by prophetic truth   You are a tiger and a dragon A vixen and a […]