emergent strategy

162 posts


  I have been in deepSubmerged in manic watersDrowning in inspirationFlooded with frenzied ideas I sink into deep purposeOur pulsating calling in this lifeMania is more than ecstasyIt is a portal to the soul I shed tears of griefEnsnared by a din of inner voicesI choose to feel the painMy […]


  Manic energy flowsBurning like lavaI imagine immortalityI capture nirvana We tread this pathWe pave a roadAmplifying neurodivergenceLiving in creative flow I share my storyI offer these toolsYou teach me reciprocallyAs the sun fuels the moon I think about spiritYou are my twin flameIlluminating my shadowBranding walls with your name […]


    Hellscape or futurescapeOur collective fate on a precipice What awaits?Ensuing barbaric milleniaEnchained as slaves to avariceThis tyranny of base and primitive instinctsOur legacy of civilization perilous Technology can build our powerA tool of progress and liberationOr it can be our deathSacrificing humanityLacerated at the altar of profit Do […]


I worship spiritGazing at my fire altarI am transformingI am evolving Integrating new insightsI work to releaseTo let go of shadowsPatterns that longer serve me I see my birth chart in new lightLibra energy calls for balanceTo pause with intentionBefore a response Maintain balanceStrive not to project my shadowFortify porous […]


I write at dawnUnder this waning full moonTides of emotion in these cardsHybrid energy fills the room I called forth this readingSeeking connection and directionSummoning power for this projectInviting alchemy and inception I explore this hybrid divinationThis conversation between oracle and tarotI let the wisdom of the cards speakInviting them […]


  This is a poem about maniaThe pain of changeThe agony of the caterpillarDissolving to become a butterfly This chrysalis of transformationA fulcrum of microcosmic evolution Evolving from painA butterfly emerges from flamesIn fear of the futureBut with a visceral and potent thirst Commanding and demanding change Migrating to pollinate and […]


Connecting with you is like fireGenerativePowerful and movingPulsating with Platonic attractionRemembering what it feels like for a boy We live as menDisconnected from our feelingsDisembodiedEnslaved by subterranean emotions We cover our fear with angerWe ignore deeply rooted shameHiding our insecurities behind performative facades Repressing our desire for transcendent loveRepressing our […]

CATASTROPHE: words of peace in times of war

It is excruciatingly lateAnd I need to sleepBut I also need to write I need to processDissecting this confluence of emotionLiving in a moment of historic proportionsFlirting with the precipice of barbarismAn apocalyptic age of mass destruction I am torn between worldsDeluged by diametrically opposed positionsOut of alignment with much […]


I write by my riversI gaze at your faceAnimated by electricityAmplified by grace Your powers cyberkineticYou fuse mind and machineConjuring fantasyLiberating collective dreams Energy floods my cortexThis flood of the eroticOur bodies intertwineOur spirits symbiotic This is quantum physicsWe are photons of lightArising in many dimensionsOur armies rule the night […]


Light and shadowCause and effectOne and the sameWhat comes next I want your curseI want your diseaseThis is sacred medicinePain pleases me We move through timeHurdling through spaceTasting the fifth dimensionExperiencing the spiritual plane I am the singularityA manifestation of the presentA fusion of all dimensionsLiving in the moment I […]

LEGACY: an adams morgan story

  Prologue: Displacement has a long history on this groundNacotchtank: the Piscataway people’s name for this landDescribing the convergence of rivers and its peopleThis park was a Black cemeteryPowerful abolitionists lie interred hereWe imagine a legacySeeds of contemporary resistanceSowed by generations long past   Act I: A History of Segregation […]


There is this journeyA portal of insight wreathed by fireI find this staffChanneling the magic I require I journey with youCrafting these exquisite momentsMeeting brilliant beings in your worldThis family of liberation you have chosen Druid spirit permeates this staffInfusing aging wood with purposeSustaining this psychic infernoSupporting me religiously—as you […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connectionWe share shamanic magicThe duality of the tantricA fierce energy ecstatic You manifest the divineDuality redefinedThe epic power of KaliCreation redesigned You feast on the blood of demonsOssified skulls adorn your waistSacred sigils frame your faceVisceral dark magic permeates Our journey touched by fireRemolding the power of […]


I am fueled by this fireReflecting on lionsgateIntegrating astrological wisdomReimagining our collective fate On the eighth I dreamt deeplyThe earth and sun aligned with SiriusThe feelings were epicEmotions manifesting the sacred Divine wisdom pouring forthActivating shamanic prophecyMutating through this cosmic matrixRecreating divine destiny I feel my powerI see with my […]


Bass drives treble fliesFearsome beats mesmerizeSeductive eyes tantalizeAlchemy consumes my mind You spin tracks touched by fireCaptivating my desireBuilding power rising higherActivating time rewired Your body pulsates with energyReverberating with cosmic chemistrySalacious images inspire meConjuring licentious poetry You are a muse but also a discipleWe build prophecy fierce and righteousCrafting […]


  Fire writhes upwardManifesting dark magicEmanating from the root chakraLiberating my energyAnimating prophetic imagination Tantric forces amplifyAwakening archetypes of masculinityAwakening my inner kingMy fearless rising warriorMy shamanic magicianMy most exquisite tantalizing lover These archetypes interbreedUnder the glow of dark magicEvolving life force in gestationChanneling the contrast of light and shadowChanneling […]


I write before my firesImagining prayers of salvationConjuring sacred incantationsCrafting the scaffolding of liberation I summon these imagesLeather molding a raw eroticThis inferno vibrates with musicCapturing transformational energy embryonic This is outlaw gospelThis is licentious religionWe are fueled by tantric visionsSynchronizing awareness is our mission These bodies pulsate with pleasureDivergent […]


    I feel joyEcstatic joyConnection with these beingsConnection with deep waters of transformation Godlings of rain bless this space todayThe land inundatedWater finding the path of least resistanceFlowing serpentine Abram’s Creek a delugePregnant with energy and healingConnecting us with our spirit bodies Our energy flows with the creekFluid lines […]

LIP BLOOD: stories of fire and water

e My lips are a place of deep conditioningMy full Black lipsSo much less perfect than my white father’sSo much uglier than those of my white cousinsI love them nowBut once they were a psychic scar At age ten I learned to hold them pursedLike a precocious supermodelI still do […]


As Black folkWe rise from oceans of traumaSeas of historic pain We recover like webs of oak treesDeeply rooted in the earthRoots interlocking and interwovenFortified against hurricane Our journey begins againThis sacred pilgrimageConverging to create anticapitalist community Drawing strength from divergent traditionsRivers of menstrual blood flowing subterraneanBlood pregnant with the […]


I made this pilgrimageI came to the sea seeking recoveryTo this convening of addictsTrying to change our patternsTrying to recover It is only AprilThe ocean is still coldBut I walked into her arms three times yesterday I waded in with the dawnWatching the sun rise through the lens of a […]


You were a sacrificeAn offering from the sacredA voice for a generationProphet of liberationProphet of yearning I ride by this riverFeeling subterranean vibrationsThis water helps my spirit cryRiver tears of absolution and restitution Black shadow resonatesOn the surface of sacred waterGlistening like onyxA dark mirror for your storyReflecting the toxicity […]


  Blue light ricochets through waterCoursing like seismic electricityInvoking cosmic destinyMolding a conjecture with prophecyThis visceral manifestation of what I feel for you You are my sponseeMy karmic protegesConjuring inner magicReverberating like kinetic staticThrough these waters of synergy I believe in our programThis journey of recoveryA migration towards spiritual discoveryFluid […]

Letter to Ahmed

You were a pillar of my lifeFor more than twelve yearsI swam in your watersGuided by a prophetic light Your conviction was contagiousYour energy visceralYour power of persuasion electric and magnetic Now that you have passedI feel a painful absenceAching like an excised limbThis transformative project of ours unfinished I […]


Pulsations of pleasureCoursing through leatherWeaving togetherEpic tantric potential Your presence iconoclasticYour energy emphaticYou amplify the orgasmicCreating synergies ecstatic This chemistry reverberatesImagination percolatesMy mind resonatesDopamine liberates I meditate on your imageConjuring a pilgrimageQueer prophecy envisionedUndermining toxic systems Iconoclast leather lacerates oppressionMapping new futuresCharting new directions Creating an inferno of resurrectionMoving through […]


I write beneath the moonWater cascading through this creekTeeming with potentialFlowing from snow and melting iceMoving like a mighty riverReverberating like a mighty river I am in this intentional spaceEnsconced within this chosen familyThese relationships are fluid and verdantImmensely vital and interwovenPulsating with currents of connection We craft a new […]