This is an homage to an angelIn devilish disguiseTattoos brand your bodyIncarnations of your mind You are electric but humbleEnticing but kindI imagine tantric powerSurging deep inside Your beauty is rawInspiring these rhymesEpic sex presenceTransmogrifies time I feel a taste of liberationAn explosion of carnal fireYou command the eroticYou writhe […]
emergent strategy
You ripple with orogenySubterranean power flowingEnergy emanating from the ocean floor Pulsating through your veinsDescending like sacred airYour presence is magneticChannelling collective hope and pain This leather animates your sensualityProjecting emancipated corporealityYour cosmic chemistry transcends bordersPsychic electricity conjures prophecy We build a defiant global rebellionPolyvalent in its manifestationsThis is […]
You spin hard houseVibrating the club floorCyberpunk to the coreOur drug of choice is more I seek the fire of recoveryThe sacred power of discoveryPotent flames ignite my memoryReimagining collective destiny We seek subterranean rhythms Rhythmic throbs of revolutionThis magnum anthem burnsIt is a viscous karmic solution I feel your tantric […]
You are thunder amidst the rainYou swim in the river that keeps me saneErotic power flows through your veinsWe recover from apocalypseWith whatever remains Your image evokes the carnalLicentious gym sexYou pulsate with intensityYou flirt and seduce–grind and flex Deep within transformations emergeOrganic and orgasmic fluids convergeTime stands still awaiting […]
You are wired with the fire of leatherMagnifying desire with the rhythms of pleasureVisceral synergy brings our worlds togetherProjecting electricity too potent to measure Manifesting as Hephaestus you forge volcanicCrafting sacred talismans—reimagining the orgasmicGrinding to leather anthems both raw and ecstaticTransforming my spirit with your tantalizing magic Our erotic flair […]
You stand against a treeYour torso framedIntricate arboreal architectureLike excavated skeletonsFractals manifestIn the crags of bark You are a creature of exquisite mysteryYou are a portent of pivotal historyWarrior and loverCaliph of erotic intricacy Your eyes fortify and galvanizePiercing a miasma of systemic mendacityPutrefying ideologyPropagated to perpetuate subordination We dance […]
I sit by the waterI came here to writ I excavate for meaning in your imagesImagining a narrativeA connection between two souls I stare at the sunBrilliant light reflected by the riverManifesting fractals of lightFractals reverberating in ecstasy I feel exhilarationTransmuting this energy My mind pivots from the waterTaking in […]
I write under a waning moonI write at the edge of pulsating waterI imagine your energy eclipsing meScintillating powers for apocalyptic hours I want to write something explosiveVerses for this explosive instantA poem writhing—tumultuousA conduit for licentious erotic vision Your image is electric and enticingYour power is potent and […]
You are radiantErotic energy amplified by leatherFaith in a higher powerAligned with desire I could never believe in a godWho doesn’t sanctify consensual pleasureI cannot be guided by a religionThat demands that I suppress who I am You have described your journeyGrappling with queer identityReconciling this inner truth\With the strictures […]
You are sleek and captivatingAn evolving miracleYou are a karmic vesselA magic changeling creating I feel blessed by our connectionPrivileged to know youI am intoxicated by your visionsEmpowered by prophetic truth You are a tiger and a dragonA vixen and a vesperYou are a prince of mysteryA sorceress of deep […]
You are metaphorOnce symbiotic with one of my favorite beingsYou are HermesMessenger among the godsSending messages across psychic oceansEmanating flotillas of imagination You are Mercury now in shadowWe inhabit a liminal momentPoised between prototypical orbitAnd retrogradeThe appearance of cosmic regression Mercury in shadow is a metaphorA lens through which we […]
You channel this chemistryYou nurture this flameThis is kinetic artistryAn ecstatic erotic game Leather accents your sensualityLeather manifests corporealityEmbodied animalityAn inferno of orgasmic pain You wield this flame like a scimitarConjuring the sacred and spiritualFlexing power with pyrotechnic ritualHealing shame and its toxic scars We amplify subterranean magicSinking psychic roots […]
You inspire me and rewire meDesire builds inside of meAngelic grace fuels ecstasyShowing how potent passion can be Your mirror is sacred revelationReflecting karmic manifestationI grow though creative collaborationApocalypse eclipsed by hope for salvation You channel seismic carnal heatKarmic angels rule city streetsWe surrender control but don’t retreatWe amplify […]
You engage all of my sensesSenses yet to be discoveredYou elevate and animateTransgressive beauty like no other You are levitationYou are erotic detonationYou activate liberationCleansing this toxic nation I believe in youI believe in your spiritYour body is enticingInviting tantric understanding This is a profound faithA conviction in your callingKarmic […]
You move with intensityCommanding your destinyThis chemistry is emphaticCrafting erotic synchronicity My eyes reveal my desiresThis is eros syntonicWe fuel a tantric fireCalling on powers tectonic I shiver with pleasureReacting to your physicalityI yearn for intimacyI crave spiritual synergy Your body reverberatesExploring imaginationYour eyes captivateImagining collective liberation This is syntonic […]
Shadows reverberate across this waterReminding me of your tantric armorInspiring meRewiring meInviting me to trust you further Leather pulsating with sex appealUnearthing truths to be revealedReleasing controlEnticing my soulArousing passion I cannot conceal We celebrate the power of blacknessWe share love and joy as we rise and resistUprooting oppressionInvoking resurrectionTantric […]
This is majesticVisceral transcendanceYour spirit evolvingInvoking repentance I feel the pull of this riverConduit for all I writeDeep water seducesTransmuting cosmic light You are HermesYou are MercuryYou offer meWords to speak You show me this spirit worldYou are a vesper of liberationYour tattoos are sacred sigilsTestaments to imagination Phantoms of […]
You are visceral inspirationYou are succulent temptationWe unleash imaginationConjuring the scaffolding of liberation Your fire is potent and intensely catalyticGenerating fractals ecstatic and acidicOur tantric underground is fierce and prolificIntertwining the sacred and the sacrilegious I feel so alive—back with these deep watersI feel light reverberate taking me furtherI see […]
I feel powerSeismic powerEpic tantric forcesMorphing and transformingMolding sacred hours I danced tonightSpirit movedFinding groovesAnimating vulnerabilityAmplifying sensuality My journey is cosmicI channel potent spiritual energy Transmuting manic chaosCreating introspectionLiberated from psychic wildfire I feel prophecy emergingI feel the vibrating starsThe fractalized roots and fungi There is wildfire in my mindAnd […]
What if my evolving diagnosisIs so much more than pathology?What if it’s not illness?What if its capacity? I feel these burning questionsReverberating karmicallyI feel the power of empathyFractals of neurodivergent chemistry These fractals of psychotropic waterSynaptic fluid pregnant with powerChurning in waves of emotionBurning with the aquatic fire of […]
This stream races with urgencyWater rushing through rocks and trenchesPerpetually sounding like rainInviting me into vulnerabilityInviting me into community Here I sit writingDigesting the contours of this spaceFinding my own water level in this new cultureI yearn for authenticity and honestyI yearn to taste truthTo taste my own expanding vulnerability […]
You rise from the waterThe moon’s longing daughterSeductive spirits meanderChanneling this tempest’s majestic wonder Your sinuous body is tantalizingThe depths of your eyes mesmerizeTantric dreams are realizedPandora’s box is opened wide There is a full moon in CapricornThe birth sign of my niece and nephewMy most intimate link to the […]
You rule the eroticYou kiss and you frolicMy desire is syntonicYour powers are hypnotic We craft a pantheon of faithSinking roots that pulsateThe river reflects our fateAmplifying the light of this triumvirate You are three gracesYou seduce and inspireConjuring tantric fireConstructing a sacred Cylon spire I explore your chemistryI worship […]
Your rhythm is percussiveInsistent and seductiveYour fire is diabolicProphetic and destructive You manifest as a demigodYour powers are tantric magicAngelic and ecstaticYour energy writhes emphatic I am inspired by your imageInspired by sacred synergyThis is infamy and alchemyBurning carnal electricity Your sex magic is hypnoticDivine and diabolicYou envision our collective […]
I come to the deep blue black of my riverI come to take my inventoryTo get honestTo get radically honest It is the night of the summer solsticeI feel called to illuminate my inner worldCalled to reflect our sun’s infinite lightI shine this light on the emotions I wish myself […]
I come to the riverI come to write Your image reverberates in my mindYour incandescent beauty captivates my eye You recline amidst a tapestry of colorYour deep rich skin is luminousCaptivating and energizingMagic like black obsidian I search for meaning in this luxuriant landscapeI see afro-futurismI see hope amidst apocalypse […]