Reimagining Religion

160 posts


  Snake medicine pulsates through my being, unleashing immense powers of creativitybringing psychic energy into awareness and channeling this magic towards our need for healing The kundalini power arising from the root chakra ascends through our snake-like spinal columnI envision a serpentine double-helix armoring our spines and our minds through […]


My eyes seduce the son of god—taking in every sinuous muscle and seductive glance, and absorbing the power of our galaxy’s constellations and the dynamic interplay between lust, sex, and love… We access the cosmic power of the erotic when we allow our spines to be sensuous conduits for tantric […]


our vixens and our hustlers conjure epic supernatural sentiencewe deduce spiritual principles from the fulcrum of our collective experienceerotic anthems seduce the mind arming us with tantric prescienceerotic armadas patrol the scintillating seas of magical dialectical consciousness we conspire and inspire to build a global tantric subterraneanwe feel our spirits […]


your eyes make me smile and your hips make me wildthis hard house pulsation leaves me hot, hung, and wirederotic reverberations stomp, grind, and flyyou are showing me your divine spark, your chakras, and your third eye… i seek the guidance of my higher power and shed the illusion of […]


limp wrists and raised fiststrans and queer we rearm and resist we harness sacred powers arising in our midstmagical elixirs find their way to our souls through our lips emphatic euphoric and intensely orgasmicthe confluence of emotion is deep and hypnotic our dance with the dialectic is fierce and jaw […]


we are barricade freaks rocking prada in the streetwe style our rage in platinum shades shining strong and rolling deep the sacred healing we seek amplifies our quest for psychic peaceour erotic tectonics seduce the commanders of our dreadnought fleet as barricade freaks we charge ferociously into the streetswe dodge […]


my mind reverberates at hypomanic speed to the rhythms of the flickering flames–seven multicolored pillars of fire surround my sacred circle of evolving recovery arising untamed… this monument to the pyromanic is made of the vestiges of dozens of votives…i summon powers of magical incantation from a pantheon of sacred […]


  this is a poem about recoverya poem as metaphor for my journey towards synchronicity with my higher power none of us created the scaffolding of the 12-step universeno one created it because we co-created as a decentralized collective building on the insights of those who came before and we […]


i just awoke from a dream about youi was walking with phyllis owens and we were talking about you and grieving your passing frivolously, i noted how good we all still look on social mediayou, with all your crafted selfies, might have appreciated the moment upon awakening i turned from […]


light and sound become energized and fused into onewe see fractals in the moon and volcanic power in the sunpsychedelic synergy has transformed who we are and what we can becomewe project universal liberation as the cosmic project that is to be done i have learned that i do not […]


i am a vessel for sacred forces arising in a moment of unprecedented global perilwe must draw strength from our collective unconscious to resist a fascist menace that has grown ruthless, desperate, and feral i am anansi the spider weaving webs of wisdom, life, and lovei transmute psychic pain and […]


i have tried to cry for days, just feeling that grief is the right feeling to feelemotive songs have helped me choke up for protracted moments, but again and again the feelings pass and my mind clearsi wonder why i am not more ground down by this–why i am not […]


in your eyes is placed a power greater than all of their hoarded goldyour eyes are wormholes to a future of humility and grace so deeply rooted that its seeds will growwe build power and resilience to feed the richness of our soulswe have so many toxic patterns and toxic […]


  before we had a globalized system, we had globalized energy:fires of wood or wax to which we made sacred offerings of rare shells, silver, or gold before we had a world economy or planetary pandemics, we drew life and sustenance from the same sun and moon we saw our […]


here i am–humbly and blissfully imperfectreckoning with harm i have caused by striving to be accountable and doing work to transform i am decentering selfdismantling the illusion of my willful power to control the world around me this is my attempt at surrenderand her matrix of liberation is opening new […]

PLANETARY ASCENSION: a viral manifesto

this is not a drillcircumnavigates our globe in tandem with the relative scale of contemporary social dysfunction this is a moment for what is to be donea moment for protection from this infection: for connection and introspection this is a moment that calls for all of us to breatheand look […]


this cerebral vortex invades my cortexseducing my mind with luscious mortals your body and mind send me into orbitmaking me long for a vision of what might come next rising phoenix: so monster queeryou lacerate the binaries patriarchy holds dear our rebel armies converge from far and nearwe burn potent […]

SACRED GEOMETRY: the architecture of perfection

i feel fucking perfect–animated by a precise balance between intoxication and sobrietythe sinuous sacred geometry of the immense creativity permeating this space keeps my imagination firing on all cylinders is it emergent strategy in all its nuance and potency?is it love and comradery and the fellowship of movement building?i want […]


so seductive and luscious, you tempt me with desirelove reverberates through me like a subatomic supernatural firethe suggestive curves of your body inspire my mind to rise up higherwe must live from an emergent place of abundance that lets our gestating spirits rewire erotic power energizes our struggles helping to […]


  I am a student of my own evolving mind—I am a student of the ebb and flow of timeI dream of a future where all of our roots intertwine—I dream of vistas of synergy between the erotic and the sublime this is a genesis story: a mix of the […]


layers of truth emerge in our minds–they refract and manifest new dimensions come into being, metamorph, and coalesce our psychic strength is evolving in sync with grounding intentional breath we must be still and hone our powers to uproot this cult of death my manic mind seeks cosmic meaning in […]


visions this intense have never before penetrated my mind i see with godlike vision peering through amplified love fueled eyes fractals manifest everywhere conveying prophecies for our disciples to find this spiritual and erotic armor prepares us to leave the toxicity of this system behind i am ripening through so […]


i am so wired for you pixie angel it is visceral and it is magic my heart is opening but fearing danger we craft a connection that is free, seductive, and emphatic you take me to our own private nirvana where agents of karma vogue with gaga and madonna covered […]


our world is in the throes of a collective spiritual rebirth rebel armies conjuring godlings to imagine a sustainable place on this earth the blood wolf moon brought karmic energy with love and rage interspersed we are crafting our own destiny shaping emergent transformation that cannot be reversed our new […]


we are two but we are one karmic angels worshipping the moon and sun we are moses and abraham’s great grandsons we imagine the nascent godlings we strive to become destiny and fate drew our paths together our lives will meet their end but our souls will live forever craving […]

RIPENING: new rules for a new religion

I write because I have to—I write because I have something to say I create because I have the right to—I imagine a world crafted by holistic ways my mind reinspired by the solstice, I imagine a new multifaceted matrix clothed in technicolor aspirations I arise from the ashes of […]