
37 posts


Viscerally eroticEnergy seductiveThis leather aestheticFierce and transgressive These are trying timesWe crave joy and hopeRadical masculinityAmplifying spiritual flow We are a rising armyPermeated by lovePhalanxes of prophecyEuphoric without drugs I see fire in your eyeI see your soul evolvingI notice singularityOur liberation emerging These words are fantasyBut rooted in truthThis […]


Your eyes meet mineYou feel my desireI trust your integrityI trust your inner fire Leather amplifies the eroticConjuring connections embryonicActivating forces tectonicOur spirits pulsating and symbiotic Your body inspires ecstasySinuous and explosiveYour spirit blessed with empathyVibrant lips so emotive I feel archetypes of masculinityI see your inner warriorYour lover in […]


I come to my riversI come to writeTo capture these momentsTranscribing this night An hour ago I held you closeFinding an orgasmic kissA taste of carnal fireA taste of sacred bliss Fields of orgasmic energy coalesceStrictures that chain us are transgressedWe share the subtle humor of sexOur spirit bodies pulse […]


I write before my firesImagining prayers of salvationConjuring sacred incantationsCrafting the scaffolding of liberation I summon these imagesLeather molding a raw eroticThis inferno vibrates with musicCapturing transformational energy embryonic This is outlaw gospelThis is licentious religionWe are fueled by tantric visionsSynchronizing awareness is our mission These bodies pulsate with pleasureDivergent […]


Your confidence is penetratingAlluring and devastatingTension is escalatingLibido is salivating This is back alley kinkYou are armored in leatherPotent tides draw us togetherAmplifying an inferno of pleasure You tantalize my mindElectricity courses insideTime is rewiredDistorted by the fire of desire The scent of sex proliferatesSurging dopamine dominatesKarmic angels liberateSynapses fire […]


Pulsations of pleasureCoursing through leatherWeaving togetherEpic tantric potential Your presence iconoclasticYour energy emphaticYou amplify the orgasmicCreating synergies ecstatic This chemistry reverberatesImagination percolatesMy mind resonatesDopamine liberates I meditate on your imageConjuring a pilgrimageQueer prophecy envisionedUndermining toxic systems Iconoclast leather lacerates oppressionMapping new futuresCharting new directions Creating an inferno of resurrectionMoving through […]


Your chest is brandedTattoos geometricEnergy concentricSynergy electric Your veins course with powerImbued with noble bloodUndulating passionConjuring a synaptic flood You are a sexual samuraiShogun of the orgasmicOur dance is ecstaticOur chemistry tantric We craft a sacred armyForming phalanxes of liberationWe are animated by revelationBy the salvation of imagination Leather amplifies […]


This is an homage to an angelIn devilish disguiseTattoos brand your bodyIncarnations of your mind You are electric but humbleEnticing but kindI imagine tantric powerSurging deep inside Your beauty is rawInspiring these rhymesEpic sex presenceTransmogrifies time I feel a taste of liberationAn explosion of carnal fireYou command the eroticYou writhe […]


  You ripple with orogenySubterranean power flowingEnergy emanating from the ocean floor Pulsating through your veinsDescending like sacred airYour presence is magneticChannelling collective hope and pain This leather animates your sensualityProjecting emancipated corporealityYour cosmic chemistry transcends bordersPsychic electricity conjures prophecy We build a defiant global rebellionPolyvalent in its manifestationsThis is […]


Your hands enmeshedBodies breathing sexTattoos brand your necksCarnal instincts flex This percussive instantResounding and poundingDetonating and captivatingTantric fire abounding Your bodies mesmerizeYour minds hypnotizeI imagine you intertwinedCarnal instinct opened wide I feel the pulse of creationA flood of imaginationLicentious anticipationBreeding sacred salvation Carnal instinct reverberatesSinuous ink animatesDesire writhes and percolatesErotic […]


Angel eyesDraw me insideVulnerability embodiedEvoking desire Your tattooed bodyA geometric proofUrgently communicatingYour policy of truth Scandalous like fireLicentious and boldBut always your eyesAre portals to your soul I write by deep waterThis platonic love letterYour policy of truthManifesting in lace or leather This potent connectionConduit to resurrectionWe eviscerate deceptionAwakening erotic […]


The word hits meInvoking your presenceAnimating your essenceExulting in revelry The word is gauntletYou redefine itDaring me to dreamDaring me to transcribe it I write by a tumultuous riverPregnant with potencyTeeming with the power of oceansDancing with feral remnants of a hurricane You are a storm in my imaginationOmnipresent tattoos […]


You are wired with the fire of leatherMagnifying desire with the rhythms of pleasureVisceral synergy brings our worlds togetherProjecting electricity too potent to measure Manifesting as Hephaestus you forge volcanicCrafting sacred talismans—reimagining the orgasmicGrinding to leather anthems both raw and ecstaticTransforming my spirit with your tantalizing magic Our erotic flair […]


You are radiantErotic energy amplified by leatherFaith in a higher powerAligned with desire I could never believe in a godWho doesn’t sanctify consensual pleasureI cannot be guided by a religionThat demands that I suppress who I am You have described your journeyGrappling with queer identityReconciling this inner truth\With the strictures […]


You channel this chemistryYou nurture this flameThis is kinetic artistryAn ecstatic erotic game Leather accents your sensualityLeather manifests corporealityEmbodied animalityAn inferno of orgasmic pain You wield this flame like a scimitarConjuring the sacred and spiritualFlexing power with pyrotechnic ritualHealing shame and its toxic scars We amplify subterranean magicSinking psychic roots […]


Shadows reverberate across this waterReminding me of your tantric armorInspiring meRewiring meInviting me to trust you further Leather pulsating with sex appealUnearthing truths to be revealedReleasing controlEnticing my soulArousing passion I cannot conceal We celebrate the power of blacknessWe share love and joy as we rise and resistUprooting oppressionInvoking resurrectionTantric […]


You are visceral inspirationYou are succulent temptationWe unleash imaginationConjuring the scaffolding of liberation Your fire is potent and intensely catalyticGenerating fractals ecstatic and acidicOur tantric underground is fierce and prolificIntertwining the sacred and the sacrilegious I feel so alive—back with these deep watersI feel light reverberate taking me furtherI see […]


I see energy electricPulsating and propheticSex presence magneticConjuring a tantric dialectic Psychic passion inflamedManifesting the erotic unchainedThis is the nexus of love and painThe sacred genesis of godlike fame This is stiletto intensityThis is orgasmic destinySynergy fuels alchemyInspiring cosmic chemistry We rise as one from a river of imaginationInspiration is […]


This poem is a collaboration between the photographer Emitt More and the poet BYPO PHOENIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bloodfire surges between usYour cock is a conduitChanneling seismic sex presenceChanneling a new spiritual genesis We create a subterranean global armyAn army of prophetic disciplesPhalanxes of loversReflections of one anotherSiblings, brothers, and sisters in […]


Your eyes are fireBurningPenetrating Your leather bound torsoA cauldronMagneticCaptivating I see your energetic essenceI feel you pulsating You are an angel of the nightAn angel germinating We rise amidst perilIn an age of social death We resist this looming apocalypseWe resist with every breath I imagine meeting your eyesFeeling this […]


We are spirit brothers in search of salvationErotic pulsation fuels emancipationYou inspire desire for transcendent liberationSacred fires conjure interstellar communication Toxic miasma permeates the atmosphereWe are enchained by guilt, shame, and fearA global cult of death built on blood, sweat, and tearsWars by rival empires bring armageddon near We build […]


I trust my heart and listen to your songThis hard house anthem throbs deep and strongWe aspire to shape a world where we will all belongThis is a leather anthem synced to staccato drums Your harness amplifies epic sex presenceYou conjure sacred magic from disparate elementsThis is your spiritual core: […]


This poem is a collaboration between Emitt More and BYPO PHOENIX The photos are by Emitt >> @emittmore on IG and twitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   A tryptic embodiedWrithing and throbbingLimbs interlockingHands do the talking Carnal fire liberatesMolding collective fatePleasure activism animatesSeeking paradox to integrate Shadow magic arrivesIt ensnares as it writhesOur […]


Tantra expandsMolded by your handsWe come to understandYour luscious commands Sublime levitationOrgasmic creationErotic imaginationGenerating liberation Intensity cerebralBranding medievalDesire primevalFueling upheaval Yearning for evolutionTattoos of revolutionCrafting absolutionConjuring restitution Sacred fire explodesFerocious and boldBranding our soulsRewriting torsos We feel an inflectionThe pulse of connectionKarmic redirectionCosmic insurrection You grind and moveThese tantric tattoosNothing […]


I sit by the waterI see you ariseLeather bound and ravishingA sacred natural highCarnal Hunting Your body reverberates with powerTransforming sacred kinetic energyGenerating fractals of sex presenceI reach for your pulsating essenceI feel orgasmic synergyCarnal Hunting We recruit armies of liberationSex powered soldiers rising for emancipationUprooting exploitation, tyranny, and fascismRising […]


The vibe is dope and fly—the energy syntonicPsyches realign conjuring powers hypnoticYou and your radiant lover are sublime and symbioticWe create an erotic underground with power tectonic These are deep-rooted truths and orgasmic solutionsThis is how we rise—accelerating the dialectic of evolutionWe resist emergent apocalypse and social dissolutionWe channel our […]