641 posts


I write beneath the moon Water cascading through this creek Teeming with potential Flowing from snow and melting ice Moving like a mighty river Reverberating like a mighty river   I am in this intentional space Ensconced within this chosen family These relationships are fluid and verdant Immensely vital and […]


Explosive emotions Burning inside Luscious narrative Before my eyes   A film about cannibals An epic apocryphal Erotic power elemental Connecting with fire in us all   Blood is your water You thirst to go further Manifesting forever Writhing together   You are a vesper of transformation Emerging from an […]


Your chest is branded Tattoos geometric Energy concentric Synergy electric   Your veins course with power Imbued with noble blood Undulating passion Conjuring a synaptic flood   You are a sexual samurai Shogun of the orgasmic Our dance is ecstatic Our chemistry tantric   We craft a sacred army Forming […]


Exuding titanic strength Through a veil of crimson lace We create our fates Crafting a newrising faith   You are sinuous masculinity Projecting tantric virility This is a fulcrum of possibility A dance with divinity   Gender binaries implode Sex presence explodes I taste the fire of your soul You […]


You command with your eyes You command my desire Licentious forces arise Uprooting despotic empire   You are a priest of cylon breed Part human part machine Part vision part dream Amplifying this revolutionary creed   Diasporic rebellion surges Our hypermodern zeitgeist emerges The power of wakanda converges Crafting the […]


This is an homage to an angel In devilish disguise Tattoos brand your body Incarnations of your mind   You are electric but humble Enticing but kind I imagine tantric power Surging deep inside   Your beauty is raw Inspiring these rhymes Epic sex presence Transmogrifies time   I feel […]


I channel this fire I channel desire Your radiant eyes Make time rewire   You are a cypher of devotion Your power is hypnotic This is an explosion of imagination A pantheon of the erotic   My pen interprets your energy My mind deciphers psychic chemistry This is destiny and […]


  You ripple with orogeny Subterranean power flowing Energy emanating from the ocean floor   Pulsating through your veins Descending like sacred air Your presence is magnetic Channelling collective hope and pain   This leather animates your sensuality Projecting emancipated corporeality Your cosmic chemistry transcends borders Psychic electricity conjures prophecy […]


Your hands enmeshed Bodies breathing sex Tattoos brand your necks Carnal instincts flex   This percussive instant Resounding and pounding Detonating and captivating Tantric fire abounding   Your bodies mesmerize Your minds hypnotize I imagine you intertwined Carnal instinct opened wide   I feel the pulse of creation A flood […]


I have seen you before I saw you in a dream Your body elusive Mysterious and alluring   This is a zygote of transformation A vortex of imagination We seek spiritual salvation Surrendering to erotic temptation   This lingerie a sacred conduit Blurring the boundaries of gender Tantric electricity reverberates […]


Your image is mythical Your energy biblical Powers apocryphal Amplify the spiritual   You are clad in crimson Seductive and entrancing Venus as a boy A zeitgeist advancing   Blurring the binary You are a gender renegade Adorned by regal finery You are a tantric cavalcade   I long to […]


There is always a narrative Between our hands and the crops Lie the seeds   Rooting deep within the earth Seeking nutrients And precious water   Seeds are fractals Embedded with our ecosystem’s genetic coding Emanating scintillating geometry Organic spirituality embodied   Seeds pulsate With the fire of evolution A […]


Your shrouded torso A portal in time Erotic fire writhes Deep inside our minds   You are cocooned in light Living in the moment Evoking infinity Evoking temporal chemistry   Chronology is a variable Time moves slow Then moves fast Sinking roots in the moment Summoning powers that last   […]


I see fire in this painting Strength born from pain I see resilience and perseverance   I see the resurgent power of creation Power to remold fate Rivers of color modulate Churning with the resilience of imagination   I feel my own journey of recovery Reflected in viscous paint So […]


Memories Haunting me Leaving me No air to breathe   Destiny Mystery Haunting me Taunting me   I come to write I come to witness Hundreds of birds Flocking to the sun The day has begun Mind and body are one   I feel deep pain Reverberating inside I wish […]


Angel eyes Draw me inside Vulnerability embodied Evoking desire   Your tattooed body A geometric proof Urgently communicating Your policy of truth   Scandalous like fire Licentious and bold But always your eyes Are portals to your soul   I write by deep water This platonic love letter Your policy […]


You spin hard house Vibrating the club floor Cyberpunk to the core Our drug of choice is more   I seek the fire of recovery The sacred power of discovery Potent flames ignite my memory Reimagining collective destiny   We seek subterranean rhythms  Rhythmic throbs of revolution This magnum anthem […]


You are thunder amidst the rain You swim in the river that keeps me sane Erotic power flows through your veins We recover from apocalypse With whatever remains   Your image evokes the carnal Licentious gym sex You pulsate with intensity You flirt and seduce–grind and flex   Deep within […]


The word hits me Invoking your presence Animating your essence Exulting in revelry   The word is gauntlet You redefine it Daring me to dream Daring me to transcribe it   I write by a tumultuous river Pregnant with potency Teeming with the power of oceans Dancing with feral remnants […]


You are wired with the fire of leather Magnifying desire with the rhythms of pleasure Visceral synergy brings our worlds together Projecting electricity too potent to measure   Manifesting as Hephaestus you forge volcanic Crafting sacred talismans—reimagining the orgasmic Grinding to leather anthems both raw and ecstatic Transforming my spirit […]


You move with effortless style Captivating and stimulating Gyrating and levitating   You manifest fluorescence Vivid colors lumenescent Powers transcendent Emerging together   You are a cyber pimp You command the erotic Your touch is symphonic Your stare is hypnotic   In the arms of your lover You surge from […]


You stand against a tree Your torso framed Intricate arboreal architecture Like excavated skeletons Fractals manifest In the crags of bark   You are a creature of exquisite mystery You are a portent of pivotal history Warrior and lover Caliph of erotic intricacy   Your eyes fortify and galvanize Piercing […]


I sit by the water I came here to write   I excavate for meaning in your images Imagining a narrative A connection between two souls   I stare at the sun Brilliant light reflected by the river Manifesting fractals of light Fractals reverberating in ecstasy   I feel exhilaration […]


  I write under a waning moon I write at the edge of pulsating water I imagine your energy eclipsing me Scintillating powers for apocalyptic hours   I want to write something explosive Verses for this explosive instant A poem writhing—tumultuous A conduit for licentious erotic vision   Your image […]


I want to write a simple poem A simple poem about complex emotions   A poem inspired by your image Your grace and vulnerability Your energy and your style   I see you and my mind breathes deeply Your dance is fierce and hypnotic Contractions and extensions are bold and […]


You are radiant Erotic energy amplified by leather Faith in a higher power Aligned with desire   I could never believe in a god Who doesn’t sanctify consensual pleasure I cannot be guided by a religion That demands that I suppress who I am   You have described your journey […]