queer erotica

421 posts


i I have seen three films Three prisms for the psyche Your eye impeccable Accessing the emotional subterranean   Your latest work incisive Exploring tennis as metaphor Tennis as a relationship Ambition and drive Calculation and manipulation   In your eyes Time is a vortex Time is collapsed Emotional memories […]


Emblazoned by color We rise and resist We morph and evolve Raising chainmailed fists   We fuck with the binary We fuck who we choose Alchemizing lust Nothing to lose   You inspire my spirit You inspire my mind We manifest prophecy Amplifying desire   This pulse of liberation This […]


Your energy magnetic Your mind electric This pulse of transformation A manifesto prophetic   I follow your path I worship your craft Imagination gestates Arming our empaths   Your sex presence pulsates Your eyes illuminate Your body sinuous This fire reverberates   I imagine our connection I imagine resurrection Reintegrating […]


I write by my rivers I gaze at your face Animated by electricity Amplified by grace   Your powers cyberkinetic You fuse mind and machine Conjuring fantasy Liberating collective dreams   Energy floods my cortex This flood of the erotic Our bodies intertwine Our spirits symbiotic   This is quantum […]


Light and shadow Cause and effect One and the same What comes next   I want your curse I want your disease This is sacred medicine Pain pleases me   We move through time Hurdling through space Tasting the fifth dimension Experiencing the spiritual plane   I am the singularity […]


There is this journey A portal of insight wreathed by fire I find this staff Channeling the magic I require   I journey with you Crafting these exquisite moments Meeting brilliant beings in your world This family of liberation you have chosen   Druid spirit permeates this staff Infusing aging […]


Your eyes meet mine You feel my desire I trust your integrity I trust your inner fire   Leather amplifies the erotic Conjuring connections embryonic Activating forces tectonic Our spirits pulsating and symbiotic   Your body inspires ecstasy Sinuous and explosive Your spirit blessed with empathy Vibrant lips so emotive […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connection We share shamanic magic The duality of the tantric A fierce energy ecstatic   You manifest the divine Duality redefined The epic power of Kali Creation redesigned   You feast on the blood of demons Ossified skulls adorn your waist Sacred sigils frame your face Visceral […]


You seduce with your mind Awakening my desire Knowledge is your fire Your spirit rises higher   You were born under Virgo Child of my rising sign Your body rules my libido Our hands intertwine   Tattoos brand your chest Pregnant with sacred breath I await what comes next Conjuring […]


I come to my rivers I come to write To capture these moments Transcribing this night   An hour ago I held you close Finding an orgasmic kiss A taste of carnal fire A taste of sacred bliss   Fields of orgasmic energy coalesce Strictures that chain us are transgressed […]


House beats throb You move with fervent fire Your body armored in leather Pulsating with my desire   Illuminated by strobe light Your body glistens with synergy You dance joyous vitality Permeated by potent electricity   I write by my rivers Light reverberating the water’s surface Rippling with kinetic energy […]


You inspire me Suffusing me in ancient wisdom Connecting me with vitality and love Blessing me with radiant lunar energy Exploring and expanding polyamory Your love is my precious drug   I feel stronger with you I feel rooted in my power Bathed in acceptance In your arms I sleep […]


In this space On this land Energy flows through me Magic transpires   I write in the dark of night Amidst the rhythms of rain Shamanic power conjures the elements Pulsating with the vitality of life Nurturing an inferno of resilience within   The omnisexual erotic unfolds Bodies touch and […]


We move with epic style Versace shades beguile We seek transcendent freedom Freedom from shame and denial   I strive to light your way A path from drugs we crave We name the roots of pain Nurturing a sacred flame   We strut and flaunt our fur Rebranding this holy […]


I feel your energy Pulsating and devastating Animating and liberating Vibrating with tantric chemistry   I came to these waters to write To process these magical moments These rivers reflect the moonlight Awakening emotional currents   We just met hours ago Coincidence that is not coincidence A convergence of spiritual […]


This is visceral adoration Euphoric fanmail Gushing rivers of emotion Channeling prophetic devotion   You move with epic style Your eyes mesmerize Communicating emotional intensity Electrifying the air you breathe   You are an inferno of hope A sigil amidst apocalypse You channel ancestral wisdom Gestating a newrising cultural matrix […]


I write before my fires Imagining prayers of salvation Conjuring sacred incantations Crafting the scaffolding of liberation   I summon these images Leather molding a raw erotic This inferno vibrates with music Capturing transformational energy embryonic   This is outlaw gospel This is licentious religion We are fueled by tantric […]


Your confidence is penetrating Alluring and devastating Tension is escalating Libido is salivating   This is back alley kink You are armored in leather Potent tides draw us together Amplifying an inferno of pleasure   You tantalize my mind Electricity courses inside Time is rewired Distorted by the fire of […]


I am ensconced in recovery Emblazoned by surrender Rewired by these waters Rivers of transformation flowing together   I am the water king An aquatic tantric magician I resurrect ancient prophecy I create my own religion   My throne is luminous My kingdom egalitarian Neurodivergence fuels our purpose Waters of […]


    These men of beauty Illuminated in vulnerability Lips full Eyes radiant Churning with passion With karmic intensity   Faces framed by flowers Colors lush and vibrant Redefining masculinity Manifesting the alchemy of queer identity   These vibrant paintings Crafted with exquisite care Offering insight and perspective Prophetic manifestations […]


I connect with your eyes Feeling your steel vulnerability Your body etched in ink Your heart open and searching   I write by my rivers Water incandescent in blue light Serene and sinuous like your spirit Reverberating with the alchemy of desire   Your body screams power You are sex […]


Your bodies erotic Encircled by energy Libido flowing torrential Orgasmic alchemy elemental   You converge from many nations Licentious chemistry burns electric Your synergy is psychokinetic This circle an erotic dialectic   Phallic fire reverberates Your spirits rise and gestate Fertile moments germinate This erotic inferno liberates   This circle […]


This is an x-rated poem This is your content warning These are verses of ecstasy Verses of psychic fantasy An orgasmic epiphany evolving   Lips vibrate Cocks pulsate My tongue circumnavigates Liquid libido proliferates   I get high on your lips I get high on your breath This is a […]

TANTRIC MYTHOLOGY: a bypo journal

Spirit moves Deeply attuned My mind expands Duality reconstrued   My god is desire My god is awakening This explosion of tantric fire Our collective divinity creating   I am a vessel for the sacred Worshiping divergent pantheons Aztec martyrs fuse with Osiris Bantu gods craft new songs   Yoruba […]


Explosive emotions Burning inside Luscious narrative Before my eyes   A film about cannibals An epic apocryphal Erotic power elemental Connecting with fire in us all   Blood is your water You thirst to go further Manifesting forever Writhing together   You are a vesper of transformation Emerging from an […]


Your chest is branded Tattoos geometric Energy concentric Synergy electric   Your veins course with power Imbued with noble blood Undulating passion Conjuring a synaptic flood   You are a sexual samurai Shogun of the orgasmic Our dance is ecstatic Our chemistry tantric   We craft a sacred army Forming […]