Reimagining Religion

158 posts


  Our fates ruled by planets Emotions ruled by tides Moonfire burns within Moonfire fuels our minds   This cosmic pulsation Rewiring imagination Inviting liberation Conjuring salvation   Our sacred paths align Immersed in waters of recovery The moon is strong here Lunations reconfigure destiny   The light of our […]


  I write at dawn Under this waning full moon Tides of emotion in these cards Hybrid energy fills the room   I called forth this reading Seeking connection and direction Summoning power for this project Inviting alchemy and inception   I explore this hybrid divination This conversation between oracle […]

ANGEL PHOENIX PROPHECY: chronicles of new york

  Words fail to describe This manic energy we feel Stepping off of that bus Enraptured by the gravity of Gotham   This is New York City A mania inducing metropolis Its rhythm potent and virile Its demons ghostly and feral   This feeling ecstatic and restless This fervent euphoric […]


  Your manic eyes Our manic minds Evolving genius Psychotic disguise   We throb and dance Rhythm deep within These sparks again Arising for the win   Inspiring insight Manifesting foresight Tectonic alchemy Creating spiritual reality   Your eyes are magic Your kaleidoscope of color Reflecting intensity Conjuring prophecy and […]


  Tonight I seek guidance I yearn to know To see where I end To know where you begin   I strive to guide you Navigating manic waves I seek our emergent oracle Sacred wisdom Amidst this psychic storm   You are my manic angel My creative protege My spirit […]


  I am a lonely soul Heartbeat slow and cold In my rejection I am alone Toxic fear holds the throne   We write by this fire Spirit dissatisfied and weary Fear is duality Both captor and protector   I fear my desires Ashamed of this lust My passion is […]


  You were in the world but not of it You told of awful things You created from a cradle of pain A dad sized cavity in your spirit   What if I could have been your friend? Helping you set boundaries Could you have escaped tragedy The scourge of […]


Your energy magnetic Your mind electric This pulse of transformation A manifesto prophetic   I follow your path I worship your craft Imagination gestates Arming our empaths   Your sex presence pulsates Your eyes illuminate Your body sinuous This fire reverberates   I imagine our connection I imagine resurrection Reintegrating […]

CATASTROPHE: words of peace in times of war

It is excruciatingly late And I need to sleep But I also need to write   I need to process Dissecting this confluence of emotion Living in a moment of historic proportions Flirting with the precipice of barbarism An apocalyptic age of mass destruction   I am torn between worlds […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connection We share shamanic magic The duality of the tantric A fierce energy ecstatic   You manifest the divine Duality redefined The epic power of Kali Creation redesigned   You feast on the blood of demons Ossified skulls adorn your waist Sacred sigils frame your face Visceral […]


You seduce with your mind Awakening my desire Knowledge is your fire Your spirit rises higher   You were born under Virgo Child of my rising sign Your body rules my libido Our hands intertwine   Tattoos brand your chest Pregnant with sacred breath I await what comes next Conjuring […]


I come to my rivers I come to write To capture these moments Transcribing this night   An hour ago I held you close Finding an orgasmic kiss A taste of carnal fire A taste of sacred bliss   Fields of orgasmic energy coalesce Strictures that chain us are transgressed […]


Bass drives treble flies Fearsome beats mesmerize Seductive eyes tantalize Alchemy consumes my mind   You spin tracks touched by fire Captivating my desire Building power rising higher Activating time rewired   Your body pulsates with energy Reverberating with cosmic chemistry Salacious images inspire me Conjuring licentious poetry   You […]


  Fire writhes upward Manifesting dark magic Emanating from the root chakra Liberating my energy Animating prophetic imagination   Tantric forces amplify Awakening archetypes of masculinity Awakening my inner king My fearless rising warrior My shamanic magician My most exquisite tantalizing lover   These archetypes interbreed Under the glow of […]


In this space On this land Energy flows through me Magic transpires   I write in the dark of night Amidst the rhythms of rain Shamanic power conjures the elements Pulsating with the vitality of life Nurturing an inferno of resilience within   The omnisexual erotic unfolds Bodies touch and […]


GOTHIs When I see you I see nascent joy Chained by webs of self-deception   When I hear your voice Sometimes I hear honesty and vulnerability But sometimes evasion and rationalization   I feel your potential I feel your inner struggle I feel you torn in many directions Oscillating between […]


We move with epic style Versace shades beguile We seek transcendent freedom Freedom from shame and denial   I strive to light your way A path from drugs we crave We name the roots of pain Nurturing a sacred flame   We strut and flaunt our fur Rebranding this holy […]


I feel your energy Pulsating and devastating Animating and liberating Vibrating with tantric chemistry   I came to these waters to write To process these magical moments These rivers reflect the moonlight Awakening emotional currents   We just met hours ago Coincidence that is not coincidence A convergence of spiritual […]


I write before my fires Imagining prayers of salvation Conjuring sacred incantations Crafting the scaffolding of liberation   I summon these images Leather molding a raw erotic This inferno vibrates with music Capturing transformational energy embryonic   This is outlaw gospel This is licentious religion We are fueled by tantric […]


    I feel joy Ecstatic joy Connection with these beings Connection with deep waters of transformation   Godlings of rain bless this space today The land inundated Water finding the path of least resistance Flowing serpentine   Abram’s Creek a deluge Pregnant with energy and healing Connecting us with […]


This is raw emotion Barely processed reflexive emotion Feelings swimming amidst violent cliffs Lurching in divergent directions Seeking cathartic expression Seeking connection   We loved you We loved you fiercely If only you could have felt the joy of you The humility and vulnerability The visceral presence of connection   […]


As Black folk We rise from oceans of trauma Seas of historic pain   We recover like webs of oak trees Deeply rooted in the earth Roots interlocking and interwoven Fortified against hurricane   Our journey begins again This sacred pilgrimage Converging to create anticapitalist community   Drawing strength from […]


I made this pilgrimage I came to the sea seeking recovery To this convening of addicts Trying to change our patterns Trying to recover   It is only April The ocean is still cold But I walked into her arms three times yesterday   I waded in with the dawn […]

TANTRIC MYTHOLOGY: a bypo journal

Spirit moves Deeply attuned My mind expands Duality reconstrued   My god is desire My god is awakening This explosion of tantric fire Our collective divinity creating   I am a vessel for the sacred Worshiping divergent pantheons Aztec martyrs fuse with Osiris Bantu gods craft new songs   Yoruba […]


You command with your eyes You command my desire Licentious forces arise Uprooting despotic empire   You are a priest of cylon breed Part human part machine Part vision part dream Amplifying this revolutionary creed   Diasporic rebellion surges Our hypermodern zeitgeist emerges The power of wakanda converges Crafting the […]


This is an homage to an angel In devilish disguise Tattoos brand your body Incarnations of your mind   You are electric but humble Enticing but kind I imagine tantric power Surging deep inside   Your beauty is raw Inspiring these rhymes Epic sex presence Transmogrifies time   I feel […]