This poem is a collaboration between Emitt More and BYPO PHOENIX The photos are by Emitt >> @emittmore on IG and twitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eyes intense and fierceCommanding and alluringSeductive and compellingPulsating with cosmic possibility You move like a predatorCrouching and flexingCaressing and transgressingA juxtaposition of the feral and […]
I imagine your energyManifesting as a torus of lightReverberating translucent Water coalesces in fractalsTransmuting the eroticSignaling vulnerabilityAwakening transcendence I imagine your powerful sinuous bodyI imagine your body in motionAnimating the club floor You fuse with the beatMerging with the zeitgeist of electronica Inspiring me and rewiring meConspiring to craft transformation […]
Seeking transcendent truthCraving synaptic proofChanging minds and moodsAmplifying potent grooves Your energy chimericElusive as a spiritErotic and atmosphericUprooting the barbaric You elevate and animateBurning fires to consecrateOur manifesto detonatesRedefining collective fate A chimera you ariseEntrancing our eyesVeiled in epic disguiseFaith hypnotizing minds Layers of light transposeBringing karmic destiny closeThis vision […]
This poem is a collaboration between Emitt More and BYPO PHOENIX The photos are by Emitt >> @emittmore on IG and twitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A tryptic embodiedWrithing and throbbingLimbs interlockingHands do the talking Carnal fire liberatesMolding collective fatePleasure activism animatesSeeking paradox to integrate Shadow magic arrivesIt ensnares as it writhesOur […]
Tantra expandsMolded by your handsWe come to understandYour luscious commands Sublime levitationOrgasmic creationErotic imaginationGenerating liberation Intensity cerebralBranding medievalDesire primevalFueling upheaval Yearning for evolutionTattoos of revolutionCrafting absolutionConjuring restitution Sacred fire explodesFerocious and boldBranding our soulsRewriting torsos We feel an inflectionThe pulse of connectionKarmic redirectionCosmic insurrection You grind and moveThese tantric tattoosNothing […]
Your body is synergyYour mind is rivetingTattoos conjure chemistryDefining our destiny A taste of liberationThe pulse of salvationErotic imaginationActivating temptation This is sacred proximityProximity to ecstasyDivine tantric imageryInspiring our ministries Flowing like evolutionSeeking absolutionDreaming of revolutionCraving restitution Your body teems with energyBranded with erotic electricityEmbodied kinetic artistryManifesting prophetic epiphany This […]
This poem is inspired by the painting ‘Fighting Monsters’ by Christopher G. Kempton Our world is on fireAnd we are mortified Watching this lethal dance with apocalypse Red and blackMarks of warSplattered paintMarking Ares’ door Our world is on a precipiceA portal to barbarismBeyond all we remember Monsters of hubrisMonsters […]
Your body in fluid motionDrawing strength from the oceanFueled by grace and devotionFueled by sacred tantric potions Electric power resonatesYour body writhes and levitatesYour fierce extensions captivateTransformed realities germinate This is a supple revelationA prism of erotic temptationA breath of kinetic imaginationPowering the fire of karmic creation You are armored […]
Electric motionFierce, staccato, and percussiveDancing bodies explore a tapestry of sound Luscious movementLanguid and viscousViscerally slowing timeTelling a story—manifesting emotion Churning like vast primordial oceanIts surface permeated by fractals of lightFrom its depths rise inspirationExplosive and turbulentNew iterations of this karmic ballet Pirouettes of passionProjecting joy and vitalityGlorious extensionsThey attenuateStretching […]
I sit by the waterI see you ariseLeather bound and ravishingA sacred natural highCarnal Hunting Your body reverberates with powerTransforming sacred kinetic energyGenerating fractals of sex presenceI reach for your pulsating essenceI feel orgasmic synergyCarnal Hunting We recruit armies of liberationSex powered soldiers rising for emancipationUprooting exploitation, tyranny, and fascismRising […]
February 26thIs just a dateA marker in timeAn outpost amidst psychic wildlings For me it is my clean dateToday—my two year anniversaryTwo years without drugs, including alcoholTwo years of recoveryTwo years of spiritual growt The valence of my mental oscillations is manageableI am more stable and connected than I have […]
In a world at warWe need infinite graceWe must sustain our faithThat this system can be replaced In this intricate danceI see beauty and prideWe conjure a kaleidoscopeIlluminating deep inside Arms exquisite and interlockedLegs powerfully flexedEvoke my adorationCommanding boundless respect We pray for our planetWe pray for a just peaceWe […]
Your eyes pierce the dark with resonant reverberationsYou are clad in fierce and vibrant fluorescent animationYou are a magnum magnate—a power writhing in gestationI imagine a throbbing bass groove as your melody’s foundation We conspire to create—imagining the divine eroticTantric power emanates—pulsating and hypnoticI see you thrust and grind—I see […]
The vibe is dope and fly—the energy syntonicPsyches realign conjuring powers hypnoticYou and your radiant lover are sublime and symbioticWe create an erotic underground with power tectonic These are deep-rooted truths and orgasmic solutionsThis is how we rise—accelerating the dialectic of evolutionWe resist emergent apocalypse and social dissolutionWe channel our […]
You rise from deep waterYour mother and fatherWe are agents of karmaWe grind ever harder We are angels and vandalsWe are students of scandalWe strive to dismantleOppressions entangled You energize and tantalizeReflecting fire in your eyesTantric power climbs your spineSeductive pixies intertwine This is an apocalyptic ageAn age of rage—an […]
Rivulets of sensuality course through your veinsYou rise up from sorrow—you rise up from painCovered in scarlet lace you proudly brand your nameNonbinary sexual synergy vanquishes toxic shame This is a genderfuck anthem writhing in formationWe conjure a new world with the power of imaginationDressed in elegant femme flair you […]
My visionsMy visions again A vista of river reverberating with lightRipples and undulations become a Cylon matrix I see my pantheon of erotic disciplesMy inspirations, my collaborators, my co-conspirators It is you—cyberpunk boricuaReturning persuasivelyInsistentlyHelping me imagine our path I realize nowWhat I was chasing and cravingYears of addiction and manic […]
You embody the erotic—your image is hypnoticWe dance to a beat that is fierce and supersonicThe fluidity of gender is radiant and chaoticYour epic sex presence is bold and tectonic Scarlet couture encircles the pulse of your armatureEmbroidered lace amplifies your visceral seductive allureMagnetic gender fluidity is a powerful emergent […]
Shockwaves of the diaspora reverberate from the crucible of the South BronxShockwaves of sacred synergy permeate the colors and textures of your creations You are a sorceress of karmic chemistry—a mistress of blood memoryYou channel ancestral power into vibrant accents and manifestations of the divine The boombox that animated the […]
I inhale your energy and worship our chemistryYou are a saint of pleasure—an agent of ecstasyLuscious lips vibrate to subterranean frequenciesOur minds conspire in search of tantric destiny Superhuman sex presence manifests as divinationExploring contours of the erotic with piercing imaginationFull spectrum sensuality yearns for full spectrum emancipationWe shed dogma […]
\]\ Vicious violet accents animate your eyesPregnant with presence—pregnant with desireYour epic sex presence fuels a carnal fireThis erotic synergy has the power to uproot empire Serpents rising within are your chakras’ resurrectionThey encircle your spine with armor against infectionThis is evolution on hyperdrive—supernatural selectionWe lay primordial foundations for erotic […]
Deep within your eyes a vicious fire burnsChurning cosmic wisdom and lessons to learnOur prophets arise, descend, and convergeWe conjure collective power and spiritual rebirth Your purpose hides behind a facade of physical perfectionMagic jedi synergy brings prophetic resurrectionWe project fierce light to pierce the fog of mass deceptionWe hone […]
You radiate passion—projecting loving kindnessYour inner rage is channeled into sinuous erotic conquestI yearn for your presence—for the magic that comes nextIn this age of apocalypse we cannot afford spiritual blindness Your power manifests as intentional reflectionThis is hypodermic sex—It is queer resurrectionWe dispel the toxic tides of pervasive mass […]
Piercing eyes and obsidian skinInviting epic fantasy deep withinErotic fractals magnetize your strengthYou are an epic force—an iconic pimp Electric charge manifests exhilarationWe rise and fly craving freedom and liberationThis is a tantric quest of exquisite imaginationA quest for spirituality—for collective emancipation The flame in your mind is a flower […]
I am a zygote of liberation camouflaged as pathologyI am a tantric mystic camouflaged as debaucheryFuture soldiers in formation as far as the eye can seeDecentralized transformation realizes sacred prophecy This is an erotic anthem crying out for insurrectionI am a suicide survivor amidst spiritual resurrectionWe slash through webs of […]
My eyes admire your torso—your pulsating desireMy body and mind yearn to be the magic you requireProjecting epic tantric wisdom you touch and inspireI tremble with anticipation amidst your silver fire This union is prophetic: a portal of evolutionThe inferno in your heart harbors psychic solutionsWe refuse to submit to […]