I worship spiritGazing at my fire altarI am transformingI am evolving Integrating new insightsI work to releaseTo let go of shadowsPatterns that longer serve me I see my birth chart in new lightLibra energy calls for balanceTo pause with intentionBefore a response Maintain balanceStrive not to project my shadowFortify porous […]
This poem has been germinatingGestating in a sacred chrysalisIntegrating penetrating insightsYour dance converging with mine You read these tarot cardsSeeing currents of transformationWitnessing my spiritCounseling detachment from outcomes This current is wiseThese waters intelligentI must be conduit, not egoHierophant to sacred power You saw my porous boundariesUrging greater discernmentMore exacting […]
Her lovely essence Her beautiful flower Leaves me speechless Left in awe The power of femininity The majesty of womanhood Grasping my psyche Leaving me wanting more I can’t resist I crave it This supernatural seduction Riptides of sinuous femininity Rising like Aphrodite Goddess of my […]
Emblazoned by colorWe rise and resistWe morph and evolveRaising chainmailed fists We fuck with the binaryWe fuck who we chooseAlchemizing lustNothing to lose You inspire my spiritYou inspire my mindWe manifest prophecyAmplifying desire This pulse of liberationThis fire deep insideQueering imaginationQueering our pride From the embers of StonewallA queer phoenix […]
Connecting with you is like fireGenerativePowerful and movingPulsating with Platonic attractionRemembering what it feels like for a boy We live as menDisconnected from our feelingsDisembodiedEnslaved by subterranean emotions We cover our fear with angerWe ignore deeply rooted shameHiding our insecurities behind performative facades Repressing our desire for transcendent loveRepressing our […]
There is this journeyA portal of insight wreathed by fireI find this staffChanneling the magic I require I journey with youCrafting these exquisite momentsMeeting brilliant beings in your worldThis family of liberation you have chosen Druid spirit permeates this staffInfusing aging wood with purposeSustaining this psychic infernoSupporting me religiously—as you […]
We share a connectionWe share shamanic magicThe duality of the tantricA fierce energy ecstatic You manifest the divineDuality redefinedThe epic power of KaliCreation redesigned You feast on the blood of demonsOssified skulls adorn your waistSacred sigils frame your faceVisceral dark magic permeates Our journey touched by fireRemolding the power of […]
You inspire meSuffusing me in ancient wisdomConnecting me with vitality and loveBlessing me with radiant lunar energyExploring and expanding polyamoryYour love is my precious drug I feel stronger with youI feel rooted in my powerBathed in acceptanceIn your arms I sleep deeplyHeld by your loving energy I want to co-createImagining […]
I am ensconced in recoveryEmblazoned by surrenderRewired by these watersRivers of transformation flowing together I am the water kingAn aquatic tantric magicianI resurrect ancient prophecyI create my own religion My throne is luminousMy kingdom egalitarianNeurodivergence fuels our purposeWaters of recovery evoke equilibrium Tides of connection surge insideThe river of recovery […]
These men of beautyIlluminated in vulnerabilityLips fullEyes radiantChurning with passionWith karmic intensity Faces framed by flowersColors lush and vibrantRedefining masculinityManifesting the alchemy of queer identity These vibrant paintingsCrafted with exquisite careOffering insight and perspectiveProphetic manifestationsConjuring the synergy of liberation Flowers of joyFlowers of vulnerabilityFlowers of magic and epic […]
Exuding titanic strengthThrough a veil of crimson laceWe create our fatesCrafting a newrising faith You are sinuous masculinityProjecting tantric virilityThis is a fulcrum of possibilityA dance with divinity Gender binaries implodeSex presence explodesI taste the fire of your soulYou help me feel whole Man-child of PrometheusYou carry his gift of […]
This is an homage to an angelIn devilish disguiseTattoos brand your bodyIncarnations of your mind You are electric but humbleEnticing but kindI imagine tantric powerSurging deep inside Your beauty is rawInspiring these rhymesEpic sex presenceTransmogrifies time I feel a taste of liberationAn explosion of carnal fireYou command the eroticYou writhe […]
I channel this fireI channel desireYour radiant eyesMake time rewire You are a cypher of devotionYour power is hypnoticThis is an explosion of imaginationA pantheon of the erotic My pen interprets your energyMy mind deciphers psychic chemistryThis is destiny and alchemySpiritual integrity and sacred prophecy We craft an antidote to […]
I have seen you beforeI saw you in a dreamYour body elusiveMysterious and alluring This is a zygote of transformationA vortex of imaginationWe seek spiritual salvationSurrendering to erotic temptation This lingerie a sacred conduitBlurring the boundaries of genderTantric electricity reverberatesAnimating moments to remember I see vulnerability in your eyesResonating with […]
Your image is mythicalYour energy biblicalPowers apocryphalAmplify the spiritual You are clad in crimsonSeductive and entrancingVenus as a boyA zeitgeist advancing Blurring the binaryYou are a gender renegadeAdorned by regal fineryYou are a tantric cavalcade I long to know your spiritTo meet this entrancing presenceTo craft a sacred avatarA fulcrum […]
You spin hard houseVibrating the club floorCyberpunk to the coreOur drug of choice is more I seek the fire of recoveryThe sacred power of discoveryPotent flames ignite my memoryReimagining collective destiny We seek subterranean rhythms Rhythmic throbs of revolutionThis magnum anthem burnsIt is a viscous karmic solution I feel your tantric […]
The word hits meInvoking your presenceAnimating your essenceExulting in revelry The word is gauntletYou redefine itDaring me to dreamDaring me to transcribe it I write by a tumultuous riverPregnant with potencyTeeming with the power of oceansDancing with feral remnants of a hurricane You are a storm in my imaginationOmnipresent tattoos […]
You move with effortless styleCaptivating and stimulatingGyrating and levitating You manifest fluorescenceVivid colors lumenescentPowers transcendentEmerging together You are a cyber pimpYou command the eroticYour touch is symphonicYour stare is hypnotic In the arms of your loverYou surge from the vineInspiring these stanzasImagining debauchery divine We need this sacred danceWe crave […]
You are metaphorOnce symbiotic with one of my favorite beingsYou are HermesMessenger among the godsSending messages across psychic oceansEmanating flotillas of imagination You are Mercury now in shadowWe inhabit a liminal momentPoised between prototypical orbitAnd retrogradeThe appearance of cosmic regression Mercury in shadow is a metaphorA lens through which we […]
I am mesmerized by your intensityYour energy is pulsatingYour mind captivatingYour spirit stimulating You amplify the fire of evolutionOrgasmic solutions dispel confusionYou activate a love profusionYour body fuels a sacred revolution You are Adonis incarnatePhysical perfection etched in inkI am inspired by your courageLavishing ambrosia on my lips You seduce […]
I see energy electricPulsating and propheticSex presence magneticConjuring a tantric dialectic Psychic passion inflamedManifesting the erotic unchainedThis is the nexus of love and painThe sacred genesis of godlike fame This is stiletto intensityThis is orgasmic destinySynergy fuels alchemyInspiring cosmic chemistry We rise as one from a river of imaginationInspiration is […]
Four bodiesLithe and licentiousConjuring majestyThe decadence of aristocracy I see you and I imagineI long to co-createI envision resiliencePleasure activism reverberates This is a nonbinary menagerieA sacred portal to ecstasySinuous muscle accentuated by lingerieTattoos of pagan ink and cosmic chemistry Gender boundaries revolutionizedTantric erotica writhing transcendentWe breathe deeply dilating timeWe […]
Veiled in feminine artistryYou are carnal virility embodiedChanneling nonbinary energyUnleashing chemistry fierce and tectonic This river boils with turbulenceReflecting your seductive fireYour body inspires igniting desireElevating this synergy higher and higher These erotic creations captivate my mindThey have become inspiration and obsessionThey are vessels for connection and queer resurrectionConduits for […]
You are my vicesThese images: intense and luridI imagine your energyI imagine chemistryAn exotic and erotic connection I am addicted to sex magicAddicted to the tantricEntranced by elusive sensuality Your unveiled eyeBoth sacred and sacrilegiousA harbinger of hedonismA leather elixirA fantasy I write by the river at dawnOur sun conquers […]
I look at you and my heart surgesEmerald erotic conjuring tantric imagination Your are telepathic and pornographicEcstatic and viscerally emphatic I write by the riverLight interweaving with shadowCreating fractals of digitized wavesChemistry reverberating across the water Water channels erotic synergyGenerating sensuous palpitations You are a gender hybridElemental tattoos teeming with […]
Branded by the eroticYou morph and you dance Reaching for the heavensYou are lushAdorned like a revered queen Your valence is cryptoAligned with rebellionBuilding insurgency Stoking resistance to rigidityRising to uproot heterosexual dictatorship This is gender fusionAmplifying fluidity and transcendence A process of social restructuringEvolving new ways to thriveEvolving new […]