monsta army

281 posts


I sit by the waterI see you ariseLeather bound and ravishingA sacred natural highCarnal Hunting Your body reverberates with powerTransforming sacred kinetic energyGenerating fractals of sex presenceI reach for your pulsating essenceI feel orgasmic synergyCarnal Hunting We recruit armies of liberationSex powered soldiers rising for emancipationUprooting exploitation, tyranny, and fascismRising […]


In a world at warWe need infinite graceWe must sustain our faithThat this system can be replaced In this intricate danceI see beauty and prideWe conjure a kaleidoscopeIlluminating deep inside Arms exquisite and interlockedLegs powerfully flexedEvoke my adorationCommanding boundless respect We pray for our planetWe pray for a just peaceWe […]


ViscousAnd vibrantPulsating color a mirror Reflecting the struggle of serviceService to nation and principleService to community and country Layers of paintExplode like wildfireLive vivacious shrapnelBeautiful and resonant SplatteringsOf red, white, and blueExplosions of color like karmic chemistry The sacred fraternity of serviceTortured struggles through traumaBe that physical or psychic As […]


Your muscular presence is hot and inspiringYour energy is seismic—it is tantra arisingRevolutionary phalanxes are writhing and conspiringYour sex positive chemistry is tantra reviving We must become the power to which we aspireWe must live what we desire—rising ever higherThe liberation we require builds a sacred fireYour eyes are divine […]


I am a zygote of liberation camouflaged as pathologyI am a tantric mystic camouflaged as debaucheryFuture soldiers in formation as far as the eye can seeDecentralized transformation realizes sacred prophecy This is an erotic anthem crying out for insurrectionI am a suicide survivor amidst spiritual resurrectionWe slash through webs of […]


You project and command with fire in your eyesYour energy is psychotropic—raw dopamine in disguiseOrgasmic rivers converge in the matrix of your mindAquatic power reverberates when your lovers intertwine This principality is an experiment in radical imaginationWe craft sacred orgies fueled by tantric emanationsThis space transcends—it is erotic emancipationWe conjure […]


Smoke curls around your faceLike a projection of luminous eyesEnergy reverberates around youCrafting the magic of sacred desire There are fierce tattoos etched across your chestThey are visceral brands of tantric elationTattoos are sigils of the sacred and mysticalTheir ink shapes talismans of divine transformation You are an angel of […]


The lock at your neck holds the key to your heartThe key to your branding—the key to these marksThe intensity of your eyes inspires the deepest seas to partOur sex presence transcends gender making desire a sacred art Your fire rises from within like a divine emanationYou are a vessel […]


Your body is an epic canvas intricately woven with tattoosYour energy surges from within—reverberating in all you doYour silhouette carves through darkness—transfixing all in the roomWe will dance to hard house anthems—getting so deeply into the groove Your ink evokes blood memories of sacred magic and spiritual solutionsWe live on a […]


I am an infinite line manifesting in finite spaceI am a potent creative presence that cannot be erasedEvery sinew of your torso reflects the contours of your faceThese fractals are reactive—bringing my mind to this fearless place The leather that armors your body is a seductive vessel of attractionYour eyes […]


Your body is branded  as testament  to the force of your introspective eyeTattoos of nonbinary energy circulate, reverberate, and realignYou command your potent sex presence by flexing the sinew of your mindThis is a proud genderfuck moment of transcendent hope and desire We rise up for collective emancipation—for global human […]

ILLICIT ARMY: a leather anthem

Our erotic army is an illicit armySoldiers clad in leather hard and swarthyOur minds are cyber wired with cosmic chemistryWe reimagine desire: sex becomes artistry Our harnesses are conduits for tantric stimulationOrgasmic ecstasy is a pivotal pillar of creationWe conceive a world of joy and emancipationWe bring this vision to […]


You take the stage with fire and technicolor flairYour body conducts tantric energy leaving the boys to stop and stareWe sync up our psychic powers inspiring our neurons to become self-awareI imagine a hard house dance floor where you stomp and grind through neon glare You conjure visions of possibility […]


Your chest is branded in sinuous inkExpanding contracting—projecting crimson instinctWe invent new libations to worship and drinkWe flood our minds with dopamine every time we blink Your pulse is erotic fierce and hypnoticEnsnared by leather you project power tectonicWe conjure a symphony bold and supersonicYour palpitation and elation are exponential […]


A storm is coming together—a storm of emancipationWe will break the interlocking chains of oppression and exploitationYou lend your oceanic power to this atmospheric reverberationFrom frigid deep blue depths arises an armada of liberation Your energy is supersonic—hypnotic and eroticYour torso summons a force both seismic and tectonicThis system is […]


Undulations of water amplify the power of your mindUndulations of energy manifest in the power of your grindYou dance to celebrate your essence—the groove to which you unwindYou are a pillar of my creative imagination—a sacred vesper for humankind The seductive trance in your eyes is supernatural and mirificYou conjure […]


  Entrancing eyes caress seductive thighsErogenous dreams are realizedOur armies recruit to rebel and ariseCoptic sex vixens amplify carnal desires Afro Goth power reverberates deep withinYour sorcery allows the clock of history to begin once againWe find sacred joy in our bodies: the pleasure of sacred sinWe are fueled by […]


You rise from a violet ocean—churning with emotioncrafting psychic potions channeling spiritual devotion Your body ripples with erotic power—building momentum by the hourimagining a sacred shower of potent tantric firepower This ocean of presence is a conduit for sensual resonancelimitless vistas of precious visions manifest your divine essence My sixth […]


You are a juggernaut of energy—a magician of the psycheYou convey hope, power, and presence in every sinew of your bodyYou are nemesis of hate—nemesis of shameInspiring your nascent armies, your leather bound torso screams your name Cyclones of psychic power manifest and crescendoCylinders of sexual plasma lubricate lust and […]


Cleopatra’s eyes entrance Sheba’s thighsYour harem writhes watching electricity rise Bedecked in jewels and fiercely BlackYou are armed with love ready to react or attack This metallic veil amplifies the beauty you radiateThe pulse of the erotic transforms and proliferates We need armies of peace: we need both love and […]


Transgressing the binary is your daily occupationYou occupy a space between desire and elationTransforming hearts and minds with cosmic incantationsWe create a sacred ark of justice and liberation Your touch is potent and luscious so deeply attractiveOur energies converge forming a quasar luminous and reactiveYour lover caresses epicenters of this […]


Your eyes are intense–your sex appeal visceralyour flesh voluptuous–your powers biblical I imagine savage dancing-sensing your grindso body positive taking me through a wormhole to your mind Playful confident erotic—your emotional vectors are vastsex presence emanates from fractals deep within—sinking roots into the moment forgetting future and past Wielding a titanium […]

MAGNETIC: anthem of seduction

Latin fire fused with crimson prideYou seduce and recruit with a flash of your eyes Your aesthetic is scruff visceral and ruggedI imagine your fierce cuerpo in the arms of a lover Your sex presence is amplified magnetic and supersonicLiving in the moment you a flex a power tectonic In […]


Commanding the stage you dance away your painSubaltern powers arise projecting neon fractals through crystal rain Sanctifying pleasure you live to amplify joy and inspireThe modulation of gyration takes the dance floor higher and higher Viscous waves of tectonic fractals animate the mindOrgasmic pleasure and technicolor chakras grow deeply intertwined […]


Your body is etched like sacred stoneinspiring transpiring but never aloneour arms embrace i hold you closeangels arise from the ashes as ancestral ghosts You focus your psyche on the quest for connectionyou are a pyromuse and my queer resurrectionyou edit digitized signals with your potent intuitionI amplify your mind […]


Their eyes pulsate with emotion… All of their limbs are taut and ready animated by the urgency of the moment… These are the guardians of that which was not taken These shamanic warriors defend the motherland, guarding space for our people to thrive… We whose ancestors were expropriated fight for […]