You ripple with orogenySubterranean power flowingEnergy emanating from the ocean floor Pulsating through your veinsDescending like sacred airYour presence is magneticChannelling collective hope and pain This leather animates your sensualityProjecting emancipated corporealityYour cosmic chemistry transcends bordersPsychic electricity conjures prophecy We build a defiant global rebellionPolyvalent in its manifestationsThis is […]
monsta army
Your hands enmeshedBodies breathing sexTattoos brand your necksCarnal instincts flex This percussive instantResounding and poundingDetonating and captivatingTantric fire abounding Your bodies mesmerizeYour minds hypnotizeI imagine you intertwinedCarnal instinct opened wide I feel the pulse of creationA flood of imaginationLicentious anticipationBreeding sacred salvation Carnal instinct reverberatesSinuous ink animatesDesire writhes and percolatesErotic […]
Angel eyesDraw me insideVulnerability embodiedEvoking desire Your tattooed bodyA geometric proofUrgently communicatingYour policy of truth Scandalous like fireLicentious and boldBut always your eyesAre portals to your soul I write by deep waterThis platonic love letterYour policy of truthManifesting in lace or leather This potent connectionConduit to resurrectionWe eviscerate deceptionAwakening erotic […]
You spin hard houseVibrating the club floorCyberpunk to the coreOur drug of choice is more I seek the fire of recoveryThe sacred power of discoveryPotent flames ignite my memoryReimagining collective destiny We seek subterranean rhythms Rhythmic throbs of revolutionThis magnum anthem burnsIt is a viscous karmic solution I feel your tantric […]
You are thunder amidst the rainYou swim in the river that keeps me saneErotic power flows through your veinsWe recover from apocalypseWith whatever remains Your image evokes the carnalLicentious gym sexYou pulsate with intensityYou flirt and seduce–grind and flex Deep within transformations emergeOrganic and orgasmic fluids convergeTime stands still awaiting […]
You move with effortless styleCaptivating and stimulatingGyrating and levitating You manifest fluorescenceVivid colors lumenescentPowers transcendentEmerging together You are a cyber pimpYou command the eroticYour touch is symphonicYour stare is hypnotic In the arms of your loverYou surge from the vineInspiring these stanzasImagining debauchery divine We need this sacred danceWe crave […]
You stand against a treeYour torso framedIntricate arboreal architectureLike excavated skeletonsFractals manifestIn the crags of bark You are a creature of exquisite mysteryYou are a portent of pivotal historyWarrior and loverCaliph of erotic intricacy Your eyes fortify and galvanizePiercing a miasma of systemic mendacityPutrefying ideologyPropagated to perpetuate subordination We dance […]
I sit by the waterI came here to writ I excavate for meaning in your imagesImagining a narrativeA connection between two souls I stare at the sunBrilliant light reflected by the riverManifesting fractals of lightFractals reverberating in ecstasy I feel exhilarationTransmuting this energy My mind pivots from the waterTaking in […]
I write under a waning moonI write at the edge of pulsating waterI imagine your energy eclipsing meScintillating powers for apocalyptic hours I want to write something explosiveVerses for this explosive instantA poem writhing—tumultuousA conduit for licentious erotic vision Your image is electric and enticingYour power is potent and […]
We are disciples of rebellionDisciples of dissentWe seduce with psychic powerWith orgasmic extravagance Tattoos brand our bodiesInsurrection brands our mindsColor accentuates our powerLove and lust intertwine Waters of rebellion surgeAllowing a zeitgeist of insurrectionTides of destiny convergeLiberating my erotic urge This is punk rock anarchyA sacred queer fantasyWe stimulate and […]
Your beauty is classicYour presence is magicI long for your danceSupple and orgasmic You are sculpted shadowDrawing strength from deep watersThe torrid currents reverberateMoving ecstasy further This is a fantasyEtched in rhymeI imagine your chemistryI imagine your mind You bring bulletproof styleFramed by chiseled featuresYour shadows move effortlesslyLike tectonic plates […]
You engage all of my sensesSenses yet to be discoveredYou elevate and animateTransgressive beauty like no other You are levitationYou are erotic detonationYou activate liberationCleansing this toxic nation I believe in youI believe in your spiritYour body is enticingInviting tantric understanding This is a profound faithA conviction in your callingKarmic […]
This is majesticVisceral transcendanceYour spirit evolvingInvoking repentance I feel the pull of this riverConduit for all I writeDeep water seducesTransmuting cosmic light You are HermesYou are MercuryYou offer meWords to speak You show me this spirit worldYou are a vesper of liberationYour tattoos are sacred sigilsTestaments to imagination Phantoms of […]
Your eyes are fireBurningPenetrating Your leather bound torsoA cauldronMagneticCaptivating I see your energetic essenceI feel you pulsating You are an angel of the nightAn angel germinating We rise amidst perilIn an age of social death We resist this looming apocalypseWe resist with every breath I imagine meeting your eyesFeeling this […]
I write by the riverTranscribing a visionDescribing your intensityYour irresistible sexuality Black pride and queer fireInspiring cosmic desireKarmic angels conspireDismantling empire Your sex presence is tectonicYour eyes are hypnoticThis energy is symbioticVisceral, raw, and erotic Light dances with waterAs you dance with my mindYou intertwine with your loverAs he takes […]
You cleave with your swordYou conspire with your wordYou inspire with desireFor sacred songs to be heard My heart is enrapturedCaptured by your fireIn your eyes I see nascent nebulaeBeginning to writhe and arise You are a samurai of the diasporaA hybrid warrior childYour passions grow wildEnveloping hearts and minds […]
Your eyes are angelicPulsating with vulnerability Rewiring and enticingYou exude the eroticChurning and burningLicentious fire hypnotic The torrential flow of evolution moves through youConjuring fractals of transformation Turbulent waters fueling revelationImagining a new social architectureA foundation to withstand apocalypse Your body inspires this anthem of libidoA remastered manifesto of erotic […]
This poem is a collaboration between Emitt More and BYPO PHOENIX The photos are by Emitt >> @emittmore on IG and twitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eyes intense and fierceCommanding and alluringSeductive and compellingPulsating with cosmic possibility You move like a predatorCrouching and flexingCaressing and transgressingA juxtaposition of the feral and […]
Seeking transcendent truthCraving synaptic proofChanging minds and moodsAmplifying potent grooves Your energy chimericElusive as a spiritErotic and atmosphericUprooting the barbaric You elevate and animateBurning fires to consecrateOur manifesto detonatesRedefining collective fate A chimera you ariseEntrancing our eyesVeiled in epic disguiseFaith hypnotizing minds Layers of light transposeBringing karmic destiny closeThis vision […]
This poem is a collaboration between Emitt More and BYPO PHOENIX The photos are by Emitt >> @emittmore on IG and twitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A tryptic embodiedWrithing and throbbingLimbs interlockingHands do the talking Carnal fire liberatesMolding collective fatePleasure activism animatesSeeking paradox to integrate Shadow magic arrivesIt ensnares as it writhesOur […]
Tantra expandsMolded by your handsWe come to understandYour luscious commands Sublime levitationOrgasmic creationErotic imaginationGenerating liberation Intensity cerebralBranding medievalDesire primevalFueling upheaval Yearning for evolutionTattoos of revolutionCrafting absolutionConjuring restitution Sacred fire explodesFerocious and boldBranding our soulsRewriting torsos We feel an inflectionThe pulse of connectionKarmic redirectionCosmic insurrection You grind and moveThese tantric tattoosNothing […]
Your body is synergyYour mind is rivetingTattoos conjure chemistryDefining our destiny A taste of liberationThe pulse of salvationErotic imaginationActivating temptation This is sacred proximityProximity to ecstasyDivine tantric imageryInspiring our ministries Flowing like evolutionSeeking absolutionDreaming of revolutionCraving restitution Your body teems with energyBranded with erotic electricityEmbodied kinetic artistryManifesting prophetic epiphany This […]
This poem is inspired by the painting ‘Fighting Monsters’ by Christopher G. Kempton Our world is on fireAnd we are mortified Watching this lethal dance with apocalypse Red and blackMarks of warSplattered paintMarking Ares’ door Our world is on a precipiceA portal to barbarismBeyond all we remember Monsters of hubrisMonsters […]
I sit by the waterI see you ariseLeather bound and ravishingA sacred natural highCarnal Hunting Your body reverberates with powerTransforming sacred kinetic energyGenerating fractals of sex presenceI reach for your pulsating essenceI feel orgasmic synergyCarnal Hunting We recruit armies of liberationSex powered soldiers rising for emancipationUprooting exploitation, tyranny, and fascismRising […]
In a world at warWe need infinite graceWe must sustain our faithThat this system can be replaced In this intricate danceI see beauty and prideWe conjure a kaleidoscopeIlluminating deep inside Arms exquisite and interlockedLegs powerfully flexedEvoke my adorationCommanding boundless respect We pray for our planetWe pray for a just peaceWe […]
ViscousAnd vibrantPulsating color a mirror Reflecting the struggle of serviceService to nation and principleService to community and country Layers of paintExplode like wildfireLive vivacious shrapnelBeautiful and resonant SplatteringsOf red, white, and blueExplosions of color like karmic chemistry The sacred fraternity of serviceTortured struggles through traumaBe that physical or psychic As […]