body art

95 posts


Seeking transcendent truthCraving synaptic proofChanging minds and moodsAmplifying potent grooves Your energy chimericElusive as a spiritErotic and atmosphericUprooting the barbaric You elevate and animateBurning fires to consecrateOur manifesto detonatesRedefining collective fate A chimera you ariseEntrancing our eyesVeiled in epic disguiseFaith hypnotizing minds Layers of light transposeBringing karmic destiny closeThis vision […]


This poem is a collaboration between Emitt More and BYPO PHOENIX The photos are by Emitt >> @emittmore on IG and twitter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   A tryptic embodiedWrithing and throbbingLimbs interlockingHands do the talking Carnal fire liberatesMolding collective fatePleasure activism animatesSeeking paradox to integrate Shadow magic arrivesIt ensnares as it writhesOur […]


Tantra expandsMolded by your handsWe come to understandYour luscious commands Sublime levitationOrgasmic creationErotic imaginationGenerating liberation Intensity cerebralBranding medievalDesire primevalFueling upheaval Yearning for evolutionTattoos of revolutionCrafting absolutionConjuring restitution Sacred fire explodesFerocious and boldBranding our soulsRewriting torsos We feel an inflectionThe pulse of connectionKarmic redirectionCosmic insurrection You grind and moveThese tantric tattoosNothing […]


Your body is synergyYour mind is rivetingTattoos conjure chemistryDefining our destiny A taste of liberationThe pulse of salvationErotic imaginationActivating temptation This is sacred proximityProximity to ecstasyDivine tantric imageryInspiring our ministries Flowing like evolutionSeeking absolutionDreaming of revolutionCraving restitution Your body teems with energyBranded with erotic electricityEmbodied kinetic artistryManifesting prophetic epiphany This […]


I sit by the waterI see you ariseLeather bound and ravishingA sacred natural highCarnal Hunting Your body reverberates with powerTransforming sacred kinetic energyGenerating fractals of sex presenceI reach for your pulsating essenceI feel orgasmic synergyCarnal Hunting We recruit armies of liberationSex powered soldiers rising for emancipationUprooting exploitation, tyranny, and fascismRising […]


The vibe is dope and fly—the energy syntonicPsyches realign conjuring powers hypnoticYou and your radiant lover are sublime and symbioticWe create an erotic underground with power tectonic These are deep-rooted truths and orgasmic solutionsThis is how we rise—accelerating the dialectic of evolutionWe resist emergent apocalypse and social dissolutionWe channel our […]


Rivulets of sensuality course through your veinsYou rise up from sorrow—you rise up from painCovered in scarlet lace you proudly brand your nameNonbinary sexual synergy vanquishes toxic shame This is a genderfuck anthem writhing in formationWe conjure a new world with the power of imaginationDressed in elegant femme flair you […]


Your muscular presence is hot and inspiringYour energy is seismic—it is tantra arisingRevolutionary phalanxes are writhing and conspiringYour sex positive chemistry is tantra reviving We must become the power to which we aspireWe must live what we desire—rising ever higherThe liberation we require builds a sacred fireYour eyes are divine […]


  We rebel against an order headed for self destructionWe shed shards of ideologies that serve no useful functionYour power is your fire—your vortex of seductionThere is so much to admire—so much to get a rush from Tattoos brand your body—fierce and iconoclasticSinuous ink and sinuous muscle project power orgasmicLeather […]


I inhale your energy and worship our chemistryYou are a saint of pleasure—an agent of ecstasyLuscious lips vibrate to subterranean frequenciesOur minds conspire in search of tantric destiny Superhuman sex presence manifests as divinationExploring contours of the erotic with piercing imaginationFull spectrum sensuality yearns for full spectrum emancipationWe shed dogma […]


\]\ Vicious violet accents animate your eyesPregnant with presence—pregnant with desireYour epic sex presence fuels a carnal fireThis erotic synergy has the power to uproot empire Serpents rising within are your chakras’ resurrectionThey encircle your spine with armor against infectionThis is evolution on hyperdrive—supernatural selectionWe lay primordial foundations for erotic […]


You are supple and radiant projecting the power of salvationSacred catechism describes your life and your resuscitationYou move with your lover with passion and adorationI recreate this biblical myth with tantric imagination Your eyes resonate—pulsating with cosmic electricityYou have been raised from death as a key to karmic destinyI fantasize […]


Deep within your eyes a vicious fire burnsChurning cosmic wisdom and lessons to learnOur prophets arise, descend, and convergeWe conjure collective power and spiritual rebirth Your purpose hides behind a facade of physical perfectionMagic jedi synergy brings prophetic resurrectionWe project fierce light to pierce the fog of mass deceptionWe hone […]


Your power grinds and reverberatesYour energy burns and levitatesEpic tattoos brand and animateGender binaries blur and disintegrate Raw leather and supple laceOutline our fate and our placeThe fire of passion imbues your faceOur armies rise to conquer hate Tantric geisha liberateErotic zen proliferatesNonbinary fire emancipatesSacred rhythms orchestrate We heal from […]


Fierce tattoos pulsate through your bodyThey are portals of transformation reflecting inside meStories they tell craft a cyberpunk mythologyThis is psychic penetration and apocalyptic anthropology Your body is a canvas of epic proportionsWe fight for psychic strength rid of cognitive distortionsGender fluid we arise from the depths of our sentient […]


You project and command with fire in your eyesYour energy is psychotropic—raw dopamine in disguiseOrgasmic rivers converge in the matrix of your mindAquatic power reverberates when your lovers intertwine This principality is an experiment in radical imaginationWe craft sacred orgies fueled by tantric emanationsThis space transcends—it is erotic emancipationWe conjure […]


Smoke curls around your faceLike a projection of luminous eyesEnergy reverberates around youCrafting the magic of sacred desire There are fierce tattoos etched across your chestThey are visceral brands of tantric elationTattoos are sigils of the sacred and mysticalTheir ink shapes talismans of divine transformation You are an angel of […]


The lock at your neck holds the key to your heartThe key to your branding—the key to these marksThe intensity of your eyes inspires the deepest seas to partOur sex presence transcends gender making desire a sacred art Your fire rises from within like a divine emanationYou are a vessel […]


Your body is an epic canvas intricately woven with tattoosYour energy surges from within—reverberating in all you doYour silhouette carves through darkness—transfixing all in the roomWe will dance to hard house anthems—getting so deeply into the groove Your ink evokes blood memories of sacred magic and spiritual solutionsWe live on a […]


Your body is branded  as testament  to the force of your introspective eyeTattoos of nonbinary energy circulate, reverberate, and realignYou command your potent sex presence by flexing the sinew of your mindThis is a proud genderfuck moment of transcendent hope and desire We rise up for collective emancipation—for global human […]

ILLICIT ARMY: a leather anthem

Our erotic army is an illicit armySoldiers clad in leather hard and swarthyOur minds are cyber wired with cosmic chemistryWe reimagine desire: sex becomes artistry Our harnesses are conduits for tantric stimulationOrgasmic ecstasy is a pivotal pillar of creationWe conceive a world of joy and emancipationWe bring this vision to […]


Waves of sex presence conjure a potent erotic solutionYou emerge from this sea of sentience yearning for revolutionWe resist the gravity of passivity—the mirage of this system’s illusionsThe kinetic storm connecting sea and clouds eradicates confusion You transform and rewire the matrix of desireThe surface tension of the water is […]


You rise from a violet ocean—churning with emotioncrafting psychic potions channeling spiritual devotion Your body ripples with erotic power—building momentum by the hourimagining a sacred shower of potent tantric firepower This ocean of presence is a conduit for sensual resonancelimitless vistas of precious visions manifest your divine essence My sixth […]


You weave between worlds animating visions of possibilityYour energy cybernetic, seducing and transmuting sacred properties… Branded like a divine totem your tattoos live speak and breatheConjuring webs of kinetic light your body captivates as your mind sows new sentient seeds This is a poem of speculation, imagination, rumination, and divinationI […]


Your body and mind are Byzantineharboring technicolor emotions yearning to be freeyour scarlet aura projects power and seismic psychic speedyour neurons are bathed in the sacred flow of dopamine We cyberwire sexuality forging erotic exhilarationwe conjure angels to guide us through this matrix of liberationits time for mourning and time […]

MAGNETIC: anthem of seduction

Latin fire fused with crimson prideYou seduce and recruit with a flash of your eyes Your aesthetic is scruff visceral and ruggedI imagine your fierce cuerpo in the arms of a lover Your sex presence is amplified magnetic and supersonicLiving in the moment you a flex a power tectonic In […]