tantric underground

171 posts


  Fire writhes upwardManifesting dark magicEmanating from the root chakraLiberating my energyAnimating prophetic imagination Tantric forces amplifyAwakening archetypes of masculinityAwakening my inner kingMy fearless rising warriorMy shamanic magicianMy most exquisite tantalizing lover These archetypes interbreedUnder the glow of dark magicEvolving life force in gestationChanneling the contrast of light and shadowChanneling […]


In this spaceOn this landEnergy flows through meMagic transpires I write in the dark of nightAmidst the rhythms of rainShamanic power conjures the elementsPulsating with the vitality of lifeNurturing an inferno of resilience within The omnisexual erotic unfoldsBodies touch and explodeSensual synergy fuels our spiritsThese sacred truths are all we […]


, When I see youI see nascent joyChained by webs of self-deception When I hear your voiceSometimes I hear honesty and vulnerabilitySometimes evasion and rationalization I feel your potentialI feel your inner struggleI feel you torn in many directionsOscillating between spiritual growth and addiction We write by our riversThey reconnect […]


We move with epic styleVersace shades beguileWe seek transcendent freedomFreedom from shame and denial I strive to light your wayA path from drugs we craveWe name the roots of painNurturing a sacred flame We strut and flaunt our furRebranding this holy wordRecovery transforms our worldA flag of hope and pride […]


I feel your energyPulsating and devastatingAnimating and liberatingVibrating with tantric chemistry I came to these waters to writeTo process these magical momentsThese rivers reflect the moonlightAwakening emotional currents We just met hours agoCoincidence that is not coincidenceA convergence of spiritual libidoAn inferno of passion and presence I feel my psyche […]


I write before my firesImagining prayers of salvationConjuring sacred incantationsCrafting the scaffolding of liberation I summon these imagesLeather molding a raw eroticThis inferno vibrates with musicCapturing transformational energy embryonic This is outlaw gospelThis is licentious religionWe are fueled by tantric visionsSynchronizing awareness is our mission These bodies pulsate with pleasureDivergent […]


Your confidence is penetratingAlluring and devastatingTension is escalatingLibido is salivating This is back alley kinkYou are armored in leatherPotent tides draw us togetherAmplifying an inferno of pleasure You tantalize my mindElectricity courses insideTime is rewiredDistorted by the fire of desire The scent of sex proliferatesSurging dopamine dominatesKarmic angels liberateSynapses fire […]


I am ensconced in recoveryEmblazoned by surrenderRewired by these watersRivers of transformation flowing together I am the water kingAn aquatic tantric magicianI resurrect ancient prophecyI create my own religion My throne is luminousMy kingdom egalitarianNeurodivergence fuels our purposeWaters of recovery evoke equilibrium Tides of connection surge insideThe river of recovery […]


    These men of beautyIlluminated in vulnerabilityLips fullEyes radiantChurning with passionWith karmic intensity Faces framed by flowersColors lush and vibrantRedefining masculinityManifesting the alchemy of queer identity These vibrant paintingsCrafted with exquisite careOffering insight and perspectiveProphetic manifestationsConjuring the synergy of liberation Flowers of joyFlowers of vulnerabilityFlowers of magic and epic […]


I connect with your eyesFeeling your steel vulnerabilityYour body etched in inkYour heart open and searching I write by my riversWater incandescent in blue lightSerene and sinuous like your spiritReverberating with the alchemy of desire Your body screams powerYou are sex presence embodiedBut your eyes are forever vulnerableConduits to visceral […]


Your bodies eroticEncircled by energyLibido flowing torrentialOrgasmic alchemy elemental You converge from many nationsLicentious chemistry burns electricYour synergy is psychokineticThis circle an erotic dialectic Phallic fire reverberatesYour spirits rise and gestateFertile moments germinateThis erotic inferno liberates This circle writhes with potentialYour eyes transcribe prophecyBodies reverberating in ecstasyReinventing sacred tantric ritual […]


    I feel joyEcstatic joyConnection with these beingsConnection with deep waters of transformation Godlings of rain bless this space todayThe land inundatedWater finding the path of least resistanceFlowing serpentine Abram’s Creek a delugePregnant with energy and healingConnecting us with our spirit bodies Our energy flows with the creekFluid lines […]


This is an x-rated poemThis is your content warningThese are verses of ecstasyVerses of psychic fantasyAn orgasmic epiphany evolving Lips vibrateCocks pulsateMy tongue circumnavigatesLiquid libido proliferates I get high on your lipsI get high on your breathThis is a tantric kissThe fusion of life and death I am in my […]

LIP BLOOD: stories of fire and water

e My lips are a place of deep conditioningMy full Black lipsSo much less perfect than my white father’sSo much uglier than those of my white cousinsI love them nowBut once they were a psychic scar At age ten I learned to hold them pursedLike a precocious supermodelI still do […]


As Black folkWe rise from oceans of traumaSeas of historic pain We recover like webs of oak treesDeeply rooted in the earthRoots interlocking and interwovenFortified against hurricane Our journey begins againThis sacred pilgrimageConverging to create anticapitalist community Drawing strength from divergent traditionsRivers of menstrual blood flowing subterraneanBlood pregnant with the […]


You were a sacrificeAn offering from the sacredA voice for a generationProphet of liberationProphet of yearning I ride by this riverFeeling subterranean vibrationsThis water helps my spirit cryRiver tears of absolution and restitution Black shadow resonatesOn the surface of sacred waterGlistening like onyxA dark mirror for your storyReflecting the toxicity […]


  Blue light ricochets through waterCoursing like seismic electricityInvoking cosmic destinyMolding a conjecture with prophecyThis visceral manifestation of what I feel for you You are my sponseeMy karmic protegesConjuring inner magicReverberating like kinetic staticThrough these waters of synergy I believe in our programThis journey of recoveryA migration towards spiritual discoveryFluid […]

MANIFEST PHOENIX: a bypo journal

I write by deep watersDeep frigid winter watersAs Jupiter aligns with VenusI write about what I am becomingWords of metamorphosis and transformation Emerging as a manifest phoenixI seek profound humilityPowers of compassion and empathyOf emotional synergy and alchemy Orogeny is a sacred capabilityChanneling the fractious fire of tectonic platesHarnessing sinuous […]

TANTRIC MYTHOLOGY: a bypo journal

Spirit movesDeeply attunedMy mind expandsDuality reconstrued My god is desireMy god is awakeningThis explosion of tantric fireOur collective divinity creating I am a vessel for the sacredWorshiping divergent pantheonsAztec martyrs fuse with OsirisBantu gods craft new songs Yoruba spirits traverse deep watersYamaya and Oshun: divinity’s daughtersShango’s fire powers virilityFueling the […]


Pulsations of pleasureCoursing through leatherWeaving togetherEpic tantric potential Your presence iconoclasticYour energy emphaticYou amplify the orgasmicCreating synergies ecstatic This chemistry reverberatesImagination percolatesMy mind resonatesDopamine liberates I meditate on your imageConjuring a pilgrimageQueer prophecy envisionedUndermining toxic systems Iconoclast leather lacerates oppressionMapping new futuresCharting new directions Creating an inferno of resurrectionMoving through […]


I write beneath the moonWater cascading through this creekTeeming with potentialFlowing from snow and melting iceMoving like a mighty riverReverberating like a mighty river I am in this intentional spaceEnsconced within this chosen familyThese relationships are fluid and verdantImmensely vital and interwovenPulsating with currents of connection We craft a new […]


Your chest is brandedTattoos geometricEnergy concentricSynergy electric Your veins course with powerImbued with noble bloodUndulating passionConjuring a synaptic flood You are a sexual samuraiShogun of the orgasmicOur dance is ecstaticOur chemistry tantric We craft a sacred armyForming phalanxes of liberationWe are animated by revelationBy the salvation of imagination Leather amplifies […]


Exuding titanic strengthThrough a veil of crimson laceWe create our fatesCrafting a newrising faith You are sinuous masculinityProjecting tantric virilityThis is a fulcrum of possibilityA dance with divinity Gender binaries implodeSex presence explodesI taste the fire of your soulYou help me feel whole Man-child of PrometheusYou carry his gift of […]


You command with your eyesYou command my desireLicentious forces ariseUprooting despotic empire You are a priest of cylon breedPart human part machinePart vision part dreamAmplifying this revolutionary creed Diasporic rebellion surgesOur hypermodern zeitgeist emergesThe power of wakanda convergesCrafting the alchemy of these verses I write as winter arrivesFrigid winds cut […]


This is an homage to an angelIn devilish disguiseTattoos brand your bodyIncarnations of your mind You are electric but humbleEnticing but kindI imagine tantric powerSurging deep inside Your beauty is rawInspiring these rhymesEpic sex presenceTransmogrifies time I feel a taste of liberationAn explosion of carnal fireYou command the eroticYou writhe […]


I channel this fireI channel desireYour radiant eyesMake time rewire You are a cypher of devotionYour power is hypnoticThis is an explosion of imaginationA pantheon of the erotic My pen interprets your energyMy mind deciphers psychic chemistryThis is destiny and alchemySpiritual integrity and sacred prophecy We craft an antidote to […]