
71 posts


  Our fates ruled by planets Emotions ruled by tides Moonfire burns within Moonfire fuels our minds   This cosmic pulsation Rewiring imagination Inviting liberation Conjuring salvation   Our sacred paths align Immersed in waters of recovery The moon is strong here Lunations reconfigure destiny   The light of our […]


  I worship spirit Gazing at my fire altar I am transforming I am evolving   Integrating new insights I work to release To let go of shadows Patterns that longer serve me   I see my birth chart in new light Libra energy calls for balance Pausing with intention […]


  This poem has been germinating Gestating in a sacred chrysalis Integrating penetrating insights Your dance converging with mine   You read these tarot cards Seeing currents of transformation Witnessing my spirit Counseling detachment from outcomes   This current is wise These waters intelligent I must be conduit, not ego […]


  Tonight I seek guidance I yearn to know To see where I end To know where you begin   I strive to guide you Navigating manic waves I seek our emergent oracle Sacred wisdom Amidst this psychic storm   You are my manic angel My creative protege My spirit […]


  This is a firestorm A geomagnetic conflagration Permeating the atmosphere Stimulating imagination   Hearts beat in unison Heeding rhythms deep inside Linking our psyches Unchaining our minds   Our people soar high We also crash low Tendencies accentuated By geomagnetic flow   The energy orgasmic The alchemy dynamic Animating […]


You are my protege My sponsee and my friend Absorbing your magnetic chemistry I feel fierce pride   We are a zeitgeist Evolving a lineage Crafting sacred lore Conspiring to amplify joy   We decolonize psychiatry Fusing divergent traditions Merging shamanic wisdom With psychotropic precision   We balance one another […]


  You were in the world but not of it You told of awful things You created from a cradle of pain A dad sized cavity in your spirit   What if I could have been your friend? Helping you set boundaries Could you have escaped tragedy The scourge of […]

RESURRECTION: a bypo journal

  I am here I should have died   I jumped from Key Bridge Plummeting into the Potomac River There was ice in the water   I should have died   I remember jumping I remember a torrid confluence of emotion  Misery, desperation, disconnection   Then I remember salvation A […]


Light and shadow Cause and effect One and the same What comes next   I want your curse I want your disease This is sacred medicine Pain pleases me   We move through time Hurdling through space Tasting the fifth dimension Experiencing the spiritual plane   I am the singularity […]


There is this journey A portal of insight wreathed by fire I find this staff Channeling the magic I require   I journey with you Crafting these exquisite moments Meeting brilliant beings in your world This family of liberation you have chosen   Druid spirit permeates this staff Infusing aging […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connection We share shamanic magic The duality of the tantric A fierce energy ecstatic   You manifest the divine Duality redefined The epic power of Kali Creation redesigned   You feast on the blood of demons Ossified skulls adorn your waist Sacred sigils frame your face Visceral […]


You seduce with your mind Awakening my desire Knowledge is your fire Your spirit rises higher   You were born under Virgo Child of my rising sign Your body rules my libido Our hands intertwine   Tattoos brand your chest Pregnant with sacred breath I await what comes next Conjuring […]


I am fueled by this fire Reflecting on lionsgate Integrating astrological wisdom Reimagining our collective fate   On the eighth I dreamt deeply The earth and sun aligned with Sirius The feelings were epic Emotions manifesting the sacred   Divine wisdom pouring forth Activating shamanic prophecy Mutating through this cosmic […]


House beats throb You move with fervent fire Your body armored in leather Pulsating with my desire   Illuminated by strobe light Your body glistens with synergy You dance joyous vitality Permeated by potent electricity   I write by my rivers Light reverberating the water’s surface Rippling with kinetic energy […]


You inspire me Suffusing me in ancient wisdom Connecting me with vitality and love Blessing me with radiant lunar energy Exploring and expanding polyamory Your love is my precious drug   I feel stronger with you I feel rooted in my power Bathed in acceptance In your arms I sleep […]


In this space On this land Energy flows through me Magic transpires   I write in the dark of night Amidst the rhythms of rain Shamanic power conjures the elements Pulsating with the vitality of life Nurturing an inferno of resilience within   The omnisexual erotic unfolds Bodies touch and […]


GOTHIs When I see you I see nascent joy Chained by webs of self-deception   When I hear your voice Sometimes I hear honesty and vulnerability But sometimes evasion and rationalization   I feel your potential I feel your inner struggle I feel you torn in many directions Oscillating between […]


We are raised to venerate family It is said that we are equally related within our nuclear families Equally related to our parents and to our siblings   Genetically this is true But energetically and spiritually I know there is no one closer to me than my brother   By […]


I write before my fires Imagining prayers of salvation Conjuring sacred incantations Crafting the scaffolding of liberation   I summon these images Leather molding a raw erotic This inferno vibrates with music Capturing transformational energy embryonic   This is outlaw gospel This is licentious religion We are fueled by tantric […]


Eyes wide open Eyes wide shut You look deep within Extending your trust   Opening my mind to new culture To the zeitgeist of the moment Grounding me in the present Rooted in the path we have chosen   I call you gothic angel You are a protege of prophecy […]


    I feel joy Ecstatic joy Connection with these beings Connection with deep waters of transformation   Godlings of rain bless this space today The land inundated Water finding the path of least resistance Flowing serpentine   Abram’s Creek a deluge Pregnant with energy and healing Connecting us with […]


As Black folk We rise from oceans of trauma Seas of historic pain   We recover like webs of oak trees Deeply rooted in the earth Roots interlocking and interwoven Fortified against hurricane   Our journey begins again This sacred pilgrimage Converging to create anticapitalist community   Drawing strength from […]


I made this pilgrimage I came to the sea seeking recovery To this convening of addicts Trying to change our patterns Trying to recover   It is only April The ocean is still cold But I walked into her arms three times yesterday   I waded in with the dawn […]


  Blue light ricochets through water Coursing like seismic electricity Invoking cosmic destiny Molding a conjecture with prophecy This visceral manifestation of what I feel for you   You are my sponsees My karmic proteges Conjuring inner magic Reverberating like kinetic static Through these waters of synergy   I believe […]

MANIFEST PHOENIX: a bypo journal

I write by deep waters Deep frigid winter waters As Jupiter aligns with Venus I write about what I am becoming Words of metamorphosis and transformation   Emerging as a manifest phoenix I seek profound humility Powers of compassion and empathy Of emotional synergy and alchemy   Orogeny is a […]


Explosive emotions Burning inside Luscious narrative Before my eyes   A film about cannibals An epic apocryphal Erotic power elemental Connecting with fire in us all   Blood is your water You thirst to go further Manifesting forever Writhing together   You are a vesper of transformation Emerging from an […]